

This page contains frequently asked questions on infection risk from blood-borne diseases Blood-borne disease transmission risks It has been estimated that more than 18 500 needle-stick injuries occur in Australian hospitals each year (Murphy, 2008). These injuries present a risk of transmission of...
Diseases and health
This page contains frequently asked questions on working alone Is it against the law for a person to work alone? No, however the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 contains general duties and responsibilities placed upon employers and workers to ensure their safety at work. These duties extend...
Working alone
The WorkSafe Plan is an assessment process that rates safety and health management systems and directs attention to areas that could be improved. The WorkSafe Plan is suitable for organisations of all sizes and can be used to: provide information on desirable safety and health management practices...
WorkSafe plan
WorkSafe Plan Certificates of Achievement are presented at three levels. Silver Certificates for organisations meeting minimum standards. Gold Certificates for organisations demonstrating good progress toward a best practice approach to safety and health management Platinum Certificates are for...
WorkSafe plan
An organisation seeking a WorkSafe Plan Certificate of Achievement must engage an independent WorkSafe Plan Assessor to complete and submit the assessment. To be qualified as an assessor, you must: have minimum certification as a principal or lead WHS auditor for WHS systems, e.g. Exemplar Global (...
WorkSafe plan
This page contains information for WorkSafe Plan assessors including, rate calculators, industry lost time injury benchmarks and the method WorkSafe Plan certificates of achievement are processed.
WorkSafe plan
The WorkSafe Plan is an audit and assessment process that can be used to rate health and safety management systems in Western Australian workplaces. It can be used for auditing to provide information and ratings on the extent to which an organisation has implemented a systematic approach to the...
WorkSafe plan
This page contains frequently asked questions on plant and machinery Does relocation of a tower crane require registration for altered plant design? Yes. Relocation of a tower crane will require a design registration under Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 Regulation 244. Regulation...
Plant and machinery
WorkSafe Violence and aggression at work : Code of practice Dealing with bullying at work. A guide for workers : Guidance note Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Choosing the right mental health training for your organisation: Guide Fair Work Commission What is bullying at...
There are many stakeholders that play a part in ensuring that work-related stress is prevented and managed effectively in the workplace, particularly employers, employees and OSH Personnel. Investigation All employee reports of work-related stress and psychological injuries as a result of work-...



This publication is a summary of the Landscape Gardening Industry Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage Case decision...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This publication is a summary of the Motel, Hostel, Service Flats and Boarding House Workers Award. This award is likely to apply to employees working for motels and other accommodation. Employees...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
10 Jul 2024
This publication is a summary of the Dental Technicians and Attendant / Receptionists Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This publication is a summary of the Hotel and Tavern Workers Award. This award is likely to apply to employees working for hotels. Employees working for motels are likely to be covered by the Motel...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
10 Jul 2024
This publication is a summary of the Transport Workers (General) Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage Case decision...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This publication is a summary of the Building Trades (Construction) Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage Case decision...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This publication is a summary of the Furniture Trades Industry Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage Case decision...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This publication is a summary of the Shop and Warehouse (Wholesale and Retail Establishments) Award. The Shop and Warehouse Award was updated on 5 June 2024 . The updates to the Shop and Warehouse...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This publication is a summary of the Club Workers Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage Case decision increasing the minimum...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
10 Jul 2024
This publication is a summary of the Animal Welfare Industry Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage Case decision increasing...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024



The Report of the Inquiry into Wage Theft in Western Australia was released by the State Government on 6 December 2019. The Inquiry Report makes a total of 28 recommendations to address wage theft in Western Australia. Broadly, the recommendations include strategies which aim to: increase awareness of employment rights and obligations in Western Australia; provide a pathway for employees who have...
Labour Relations
Department News
06 Dec 2019
Our offices will be closed from Wednesday 25 December 2019 to Wednesday 1 January 2020. Normal services will return on Thursday 2 January 2020. For urgent enquiries please visit our contact page.
Department News
04 Dec 2019
Private Sector Labour Relations industrial inspectors helped employees to recover over $377,990 in unpaid entitlements in the 2018–19 financial year. 168 complaints lodged with Private Sector Labour Relations resulted in $310,315 being recovered for employees whilst $67,675 was recovered as a result of proactive audits in targeted industries. Wageline also answered more than 13,026 calls, sent...
Labour Relations
Department News
02 Dec 2019
The State Government today tabled the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Bill in Parliament, paving the way for more modern workplace safety laws that apply to all industries. For more information Media statement - Hon Bill Johnston MLA Work Health and Safety Bill 2019
27 Nov 2019
It is that time of the year where people are getting their last minute Christmas shopping done and many businesses are preparing to wind down for the holiday period. Although it is a time for some employers and employees to switch off and take a break, it is important to understand your employment obligations over the festive holiday period. This season’s public holidays are: Christmas Day,...
Labour Relations
Department News
23 Dec 2019
The Christmas/ New Year period is fast approaching and it is important to understand public holiday obligations for the festive season. This season's public holidays are: Christmas Day, Wednesday 25 December 2019 Boxing Day, Thursday 26 December 2019 New Year's Day, Wednesday 1 January 2020 Employers and employees should be aware of their employment obligations on these public holidays. The...
Labour Relations
Department News
28 Nov 2019
WorkSafe has initiated prosecution action against the building company that employed a labour hire backpacker who died as a result of a fall in 2016. WorkSafe’s investigation was conducted as a result of that death, and while no charges have been laid in relation to the incident, other breaches were identified during the course of the investigation and this prosecution is the result. Hanssen Pty...
Media release
07 Nov 2019
It is important to understand the difference between whether a worker is an employee or a subcontractor as different obligations apply. For example, if a worker is legally an employee but they are instead engaged as a subcontractor, they may be entitled to claim for unpaid leave entitlements, penalty rates and superannuation. A subcontractor is not an employee, but rather a worker running their...
Labour Relations
Department News
07 Nov 2019
WorkSafe is investigating the work-related death of a 63-year-old truck driver at a workplace in Wootatting (near York) yesterday. The man was believed to have been performing repair or maintenance work on a truck in a workshop when he was caught between the wheel arch and the tyre. Inspectors travelled to the site last night and will continue to closely examine the circumstances of the incident...
Media release
06 Nov 2019
A proactive inspection program looking at safety issues in WA’s child care centres has revealed a widespread lack of risk assessment and training in hazardous substances. The program, which included both government and private childcare centres in metropolitan and regional areas of the State, was undertaken because child care was a relatively new work area and had not been closely examined for...
Media release
05 Nov 2019


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