Mine operator


This page contains the schedule of examinations applicable to all statutory positions in mining operations. More sessions will be added as they are confirmed.​ Legislation examinations For all statutory positions: Perth – WHS Foundation, North Lake June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024...
Statutory positions
ThinkSafe is WorkSafe’s flagship online publication for workplace health and safety in Western Australia. Below is the list of all the editions of the magazine. ThinkSafe magazine : May 2024 ThinkSafe magazine : May 2023 ThinkSafe magazine : July 2022 ThinkSafe magazine : September 2021 ThinkSafe...
ThinkSafe magazine
Actions in the priority areas will include the following approaches: Information and awareness Why is this important? It is important to address the perception in some parts of the community that WHS conflicts with business productivity. Many businesses (especially small businesses) want clearer...
How we’ll get there
Priority four sets out WorkSafe's key priorities in regards to consultation and representation. Intent Increase understanding of PCBU duties and the importance of consulting and involving workers in designing and implementing safe systems of work. Outcomes/ objectives ​ PCBUs engage in genuine...
Our key priorities
Priority three sets out WorkSafe's key priorities in regards to respiratory hazards. Intent Drive improvements in the workplace management of hazardous dusts and protect workers from harm. Outcomes/objectives Improves PCBU and worker awareness of the health risks of silica, asbestos and other...
Our key priorities
Priority two sets out WorkSafe's key priorities in regards to Psychosocial hazards. Intent Improve the management of psychosocial hazards in the workplace, and promote positive work practices supporting mental health and wellbeing. Outcomes/objectives Increased capability of PCBUs and workers to...
Our key priorities
Priority one sets out WorkSafe's key priorities in regards to repeat hazard exposure. Intent Increase awareness of workplace hazards that can cause multiple and repeat fatalities and serious injuries, and drive the adoption of appropriate risk management strategies. Outcomes/objectives Duty holders...
Our key priorities
Learn how WorkSafe is planning to achieve the aims and goals of The way forward : Priority four Consultation and representation. Regulatory activities and outputs: Raise awareness and seek compliance Compliance strategy Adopt an outreach approach, with two dedicated support officers within Safety...
How we’ll get there
Learn how WorkSafe is planning to achieve the aims and goals of The way forward: Priority one: Repeat hazard exposure. Regulator activities and outputs: Raise awareness and seek compliance Compliance strategy Interrogate available data sources to better understand the causation factors, including...
How we’ll get there
Learn how WorkSafe is planning to achieve the aims and goals of The way forward: Priority two Psychosocial hazards. Regulatory activities and outputs: Raise awareness and seek compliance Compliance strategy Ensure the WHS regulatory framework has a consistent approach to psychosocial hazards,...
How we’ll get there



Recently, several incidents have occurred where workers have been seriously injured while working with a pipe wrench and a drilling rod on a live drill rig. In December 2021, WorkSafe prosecuted an...
06 Jun 2024
This mines safety matters pamphlet contains information on the hazards and recommended safe work practices when travelling in remote locations. The hazards Extreme weather conditions, remoteness and...
17 May 2024
This guide is intended to provide mine operators with information to develop and implement a radiation management plan (RMP) that meets legislative requirements and minimises the potential exposure...
Guide / handbook
02 Apr 2024
WorkSafe is aware of recent incidents where hydraulic fluid contamination has resulted in the uncontrolled movement of the basket on elevating work platforms (EWPs). This includes the loss of...
01 Mar 2024
These transitional and saving measures apply from the commencement of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) and Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 (WHS Mines Regulations)...
15 Mar 2024
The Mines Statutory Positions Register is used to validate an individual’s statutory position examination or certificate under the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022. Statutory positions...
Guide / handbook
29 Jan 2024
This presentation is based on content presented at the Nano diesel particulate matter forum in July 2019.
22 Jan 2024
This presentation is based on the content resented at the 2019 Mines Safety roadshow in October 2019.
22 Jan 2024
Guildelines provide more information on the requirements of legislation and details good practice. Alcohol and other drugs at the workplace - guideline Dealing with bullying at work - guideline...
Guidance note
14 Jun 2024
Breathe easy: Occupational health and hygiene forum was held during Safe Work Month 2023. This forum brought together a range of industry experts to discuss topics around air quality, silica,...
10 Nov 2023



WorkSafe is extending the transition period to complete the mining statutory position certification from 30 March 2025 to 30 March 2026. Under the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations, statutory positions carry out specific functions at mining operations. They are classified into several categories, with different functions and obligations, levels of knowledge, experience, and formal...
Media release
14 Mar 2024
The WorkSafe Mines Safety inspectorate has identified a trend of mine operators with a poor understanding of the requirement to develop a mine safety management system (MSMS), and mines that have not adequately implemented the MSMS. Current expectations for all mines All mines were required to have a fully-developed MSMS by 31 March 2023. All required site-specific documentation, risk assessments...
Department News
08 Jan 2024
The WorkSafe Mines Safety inspectorate has identified a concerning number of notifiable incidents where the site has not been preserved as required by the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 section 39(1). What is a notifiable incident? A 'notifiable incident' is: the death of a person, a serious injury or illness , or a dangerous incident . arising out of the conduct of a business or undertaking at...
Department News
02 Jan 2024
Common causes of injury to workers in mining are missteps and falls when stepping out of large trucks and other plant.  Under the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022, duty holders need to manage the risk of falls at mining workplaces, and this can only be done by considering all the factors which can lead to a potential fall risk. Other than the design of steps, accessibility of grab...
Department News
02 Jan 2024
Houses in Tom Price and Wickham left unprotected Electricians failed to install a vital safety component during switchboard upgrades Company submitted incorrect safety and compliance declarations Occupants in three Pilbara homes were left exposed to potentially fatal hazards for weeks after electricians failed to install essential safety devices while upgrading switchboards. Karratha electrical...
Building and Energy
Media release
12 Sep 2023
The Work Health and Safety Regulations Amendment Regulation (no.2) 2023 came into effect on 10 August 2023 and provide for minor corrections and technical refinements. These amendments include: Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations The requirement for a high risk work licence for earthmoving machinery used as a crane will be removed for machinery that has a safe rated working load of three...
Department News
16 Aug 2023
The Work Health and Safety Commission is seeking public comment on a new draft code of practice on managing electrical risks in the workplace. The purpose of the code is to help a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to manage electrical risks in the workplace, and it applies to all workplaces where a PCBU has management or control of electrical equipment, including electrical...
Media release
11 Aug 2023
Updated guidance on management of high-voltage electrical installations Publication issued by Building & Energy and endorsed by WorkSafe Revised version aligns with current regulations including new WHS Act Owners and managers of premises with high-voltage electrical installations can now access updated guidance from WA’s energy and workplace safety regulators. Facilities such as large...
Building and Energy
Media release
24 Apr 2023
Businesses and undertakings must notify the regulator of certain incidents that arise out of the conduct of a business or undertaking at a workplace. The Interpretive guidelines - Incident notification will help you decide when and how to notify a work-related death, injury, illness or dangerous incident (further notification requirements apply to mines and petroleum and geothermal operations –...
28 Feb 2023
Work health and safety regulations for the control of psychosocial risks will come into effect on 24 December 2022. These regulations will require a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to eliminate psychosocial risks, or to minimise them so far as is reasonably practicable. This new duty places psychosocial hazards on the same footing as other significant hazards such as falls or...
Department News
23 Dec 2022


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