

Operating as an approved provider of health and safety representative (HSR) training in Western Australia Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (the WHS Act) the Work Health and Safety Commission (the Commission) approves training providers to deliver courses for health and safety...
Information for training providers
The construction industry is labour intensive. Materials such as bricks, timber, cement bags, tiles, and plasterboard are carried or manipulated by hand, often over rough or slippery terrain. Manual task injuries remain one of the industry's largest single causes of injury causing pain and...
Manual tasks
Manufacturers, designers and suppliers of machinery and equipment are legally required to make sure dangerous parts are safely guarded so that operators and others are protected from injury. A guard may be any shield, cover, casing, physical or electronic barrier intended to prevent contact between...
Power presses are powered equipment used to stamp, cut or form materials by the use of dies (or tools). They include equipment known as 'croppers' or 'metal workers'. Did you know? Injuries from power presses are among the most common in metal machinery workplaces. In most cases, the machine is...
Plant and machinery
Employers who provide accommodation to employees in remote areas may have duties, under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 , to ensure the premises are safe and do not pose a risk to those using it. What is employer provided accommodation? Residential premises are considered to be employer...
Consultation, accommodation and volunteers
This information has been developed and compiled to assist employers, employees and OSH professionals in preventing and managing bullying in the workplace. WorkSafe Key publications Code of practice: Workplace behaviour Risk Management Tool: Psychologically safe and healthy workplaces: Risk...
Bullying in the workplace may be described as repeated inappropriate behaviour that can occur at work and/or in the course of employment. It may be direct or indirect, verbal or physical, or some form of negative interaction between one or more persons against another or others. Bullying behaviour...
WorkSafe Codes of practice Managing the risk of falls at workplaces Managing the risk of falls in housing construction Toolkit Slips, trips and falls risk management worksheet Sample - Slips, trips and falls investigation report (word) Information sheets Slips, trips and falls (cafe and restaurant...
Slips and trips and falls
Slips, trips and falls can be prevented in workplaces. Awareness of the common risk factors for slips, trips and falls, coupled with a strong management commitment, can reduce and prevent slips, trips and falls incidents. Slips, trips and falls are a significant problem affecting every workplace...
Slips and trips and falls
This information is only relevant to employers and employees in the WA state industrial relations system . About this page This page provides an overview of employer obligations when a business is bought or sold. Selling a business commonly means there has been a “transmission or transfer of...
Information for state system employers



On Wednesday 1 June 2016, the WorkSafe Western Australia Commissioner released the Discussion Paper - Work Health and Safety Regulations for Western Australia (the discussion paper) for public...
19 Jul 2016
This publication provides previous minimum rates of pay for award free employees for the years 2017 to 2022.
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
29 Jun 2023
This occupational safety and health (OSH) newsletter has been developed to provide information and assistance to employers, self-employed persons, persons having control of workplaces and employees...
29 Jun 2016
Recently a worker at an aquatic centre was exposed to chlorine gas when he attempted to refill an unlabelled 100 litre chemical storage and dosing drum in a plant room at the facility.
04 Dec 2023
This occupational safety and health (OSH) newsletter has been developed to provide information and assistance to employers, self-employed persons, persons having control of workplaces and employees...
22 Jul 2016
This publication is a summary of pay and entitlements for award free employees. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage Case decision...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
A local government organisation held a waste collection day in early 2016, for residents to drop off items such as white goods, E-waste, vehicle batteries, engine oil, tyres and paint. Four workers...
01 Aug 2018
The Department of Commerce – WorkSafe Division has released a Discussion Paper on recommendations to amend the model Work Health and Safety Regulations (the WHS regulations) for the Western...
01 Jun 2016
This publication is a summary of the Food Industry (Food Manufacturing or Processing) Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This publication is a summary of the Fruit Growing and Fruit Packing Industry Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage Case...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024



Industrial inspectors from Private Sector Labour Relations recovered a total of $344,537 in unpaid wages and entitlements in the second half of 2019. Successful conciliation of underpayment matters has resulted in significant amounts of unpaid long service leave entitlements being recovered for Western Australian workers. Between July and December 2019, industrial inspectors recovered a total of...
Labour Relations
Department News
23 Jan 2020
The public holiday for Australia Day in 2020 is Monday 27 January, not Sunday 26 January. Under the Public and Bank Holidays Act 1972 , in Western Australia the Australia Day public holiday takes place on 26 January, or when that day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday. The Australia Day public holiday entitlements for 2020 page provides information on entitlements for: state...
Labour Relations
Department News
16 Jan 2020
A South West business owner has been fined for not paying wages and ordered to pay unpaid wages to a young overseas worker for work done as part of the Working Holiday Maker program. The business owner has been ordered by the Industrial Magistrates Court to pay the backpacker $10,593.58 in unpaid wages and entitlements plus interest of $1,979.94. The Industrial Magistrates Court also ordered the...
Labour Relations
Media release
09 Jan 2020
With the season’s first cyclone having formed off the North-West coast, businesses throughout the State have been reminded to ensure that contingency plans have been established and are in operation. WorkSafe WA Director Chris Kirwin said today it was crucial that everyone on both sea and land knew what to do when there was a cyclone in the area. “Under workplace safety and health laws, employers...
Media release
07 Jan 2020
Each year Wageline receives many calls from employers and employees regarding deductions from pay. In the WA state industrial relations system, it is unlawful for an employer to deduct any money from an employee’s wages unless that deduction has been authorised in writing by the employee, or the deduction is authorised by a WA award or agreement, a court order, or a state or federal law. A common...
Labour Relations
Department News
24 May 2021
Wageline has just launched two new publications to help state system employers keep correct employment records. The two publications – one for employers covered by a WA award, and one for employers whose employees are award free – feature helpful step by step guides to record keeping and Wageline’s new look record keeping templates. State system employers have a legal obligation to keep correct...
Labour Relations
Department News
08 Jan 2020
Employers have been reminded to take steps to keep children away from hazardous workplaces during the coming school holidays. WorkSafe WA Commissioner Darren Kavanagh said today many workplaces contained hazards that could result in injury, and some even contained potentially deadly hazards. “Workplaces such as factories and construction sites are not suitable locations for children and, sadly,...
Media release
19 Dec 2019
The Wageline contact centre will be closed from Wednesday 25 December 2019 to Wednesday 1 January 2020, and will reopen at 8:30am on Thursday 2 January 2020. Information on employment obligations and entitlements will continue to be available during that period on the Wageline website, www.dmirs.wa.gov.au/wageline .
Labour Relations
Department News
16 Dec 2019
The school holidays are just starting and many children will be keen to earn some extra money by getting a job for the summer break. Employers, parents and young workers must be aware that there are restrictions on which types of businesses can employ children under the age of 15. There are also restrictions on working hours for children that apply during school holidays as well as term time. For...
Labour Relations
Department News
17 Dec 2019
WorkSafe has issued a reminder to workers to stay focused on safety and health in the lead-up to the festive season. WorkSafe WA Commissioner Darren Kavanagh said today both employers and workers needed to pay particular attention to staying safe before and after Christmas. “As we head towards the end of the year and the festive season, it’s timely to remind both employers and workers of the need...
Media release
13 Dec 2019


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