Employee / worker


Industrial inspectors are designated under the Industrial Relations Act 1979 to secure the observance of state employment laws and industrial instruments such as awards. They may do this by a variety of mechanisms including investigating a matter or taking enforcement proceedings in the Industrial...
Compliance activities
Industrial inspectors employed in the Private Sector Labour Relations Division of the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (the Department) have responsibility for enforcing state employment laws. The functions of industrial inspectors include: conciliating and investigating...
Compliance activities
This guidance is intended to assist local government authorities and amusement device owners/operators in Western Australia understand their duties under Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws with respect to amusement devices. The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) and Work Health and Safety (...
Plant and machinery
An industrial inspector may issue a civil infringement notice (infringement notice) to a person where they reasonably believe the person has contravened a ‘record-related civil penalty provision’ under the Industrial Relations Act 1 979. A record-related civil penalty provision relates to...
Compliance activities
The Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards were held at the State Reception Centre on 28 October 2022. These award recognise outstanding solutions and innovations to specific workplace health and safety problems in Western Australia. This year 71 submissions were received with 36 companies...
Work Safety Awards
The Western Australian Building and Construction Consultative Committee (BCC Committee) was established in June 2022. The former Minister for Industrial Relations, Bill Johnston MLA announced the establishment of the BCC Committee on 14 June 2022 – view the media statement . The role of the BCC...
Building and Construction Consultative Committee
A 'notifiable incident' means: the death of a person; or a serious injury or illness of a person; or a dangerous incident . Need to report a notifiable incident? Preserve the site and contact WorkSafe immediately . The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 introduced the term ‘person conducting a...
Report an incident
If a ‘dangerous incident’ arises through the conduct of a business or undertaking the regulator must be notified immediately. Where the dangerous incident is currently life-threatening, the PCBU should ensure the regulator is notified by calling 1800 678 198 (24 hours). Where the dangerous incident...
Report an incident
The below information provides a description of activities which Western Australia (WA) demolition licence holders are permitted to perform. If you are a WA licensee visiting another state under Automatic mutual recognition , you are only allowed to perform the activities listed below. If you need...
Demolition licence
A checklist for removing Class B Asbestos (non-friable), for both licenced asbestos removalists and for those removing small quantities (less than 10 m 2 ) who do not require a licence. Download this document Health and safety checklist - Class B Asbestos (non friable) removal work



This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to effectively consult with workers who carry out work for the business or undertaking and who are (or are likely to be) directly affected by...
Code of practice
14 Sep 2022
The Code of practice Managing the work environment and facilities provides practical guidance to PCBUs on how to manage the work environment and facilities. This Code of practice is an approved code...
Code of practice
17 Jan 2023
This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to effectively provide first aid in the workplace. It includes information on first aid kits, procedures, facilities and training for first...
Code of practice
15 Jul 2022
This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with work carried out in a confined space.
Code of practice
14 May 2023
This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to prepare safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals that are being manufactured or imported for use, handling or storage in Australia.
Code of practice
15 Jul 2022
This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with workplace noise.
Code of practice
06 Sep 2023
This Code applies to all workplaces covered by the WHS Act and provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety.
19 Jul 2022
This Code applies to all workplaces covered by the WHS Act where hazardous manual tasks are carried out and provides practical guidance to PCBUs on how to manage health and safety risks associated...
Code of practice
14 Jul 2022
This Code applies to all workplaces covered by the WHS Act where demolition work is carried out and where demolition work products and equipment are used and stored. Persons who have duties in...
Code of practice
13 Jan 2023
This Code applies to all workplaces covered by the WHS Act where construction work is carried out and where construction work products and equipment are used and stored.
Code of practice
06 Jul 2023



A construction company and plumbing contractor have been fined a total of $720,000 (and ordered to pay $35,000 in costs) over an incident in which a worker drowned in a trench when a water main burst in 2018. Ryan and Melissa Pty Ltd (trading as Vivian Plumbing and Civil) pleaded guilty to failing to provide and maintain a safe work environment and, by that failure, causing the death of an...
Media release
16 Dec 2022
A Kununurra hydraulic repair company has been fined $375,000 and its sole director has been fined $60,000 (and ordered to pay $4456.30 in costs) over an incident that left a 19-year-old worker with serious head injuries. CDM Hydraulics Pty Ltd and director Clinton Douglas Morey pleaded guilty to failing to provide and maintain a safe work environment and, by that failure, causing serious injury...
Media release
13 Dec 2022
A company involved in steel importation and land development has been fined a total of $240,000 (and ordered to pay $30,581 in costs) over an incident in which a 19-year-old worker had seven fingers amputated by forklift chains. PT Supplies Group Pty Ltd pleaded guilty after trial to failing to provide a safe work environment and, by that failure, causing serious harm to a worker and was fined $...
Media release
08 Dec 2022
The December edition of the Wageline News has just been published. Read this latest edition on the Wageline News page.
Labour Relations
Department News
08 Dec 2022
The Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission varied the state Electrical Contracting Industry Award to increase allowances on 24 November 2022. The variations take effect from the first pay period on or after 24 November 2022. Wageline’s WA award summary has been updated with the new allowance rates and can be viewed at www.dmirs.wa.gov.au/awardsummaries A full copy of the award can be...
Labour Relations
Department News
06 Dec 2022
The Christmas/New Year period is fast approaching. This season's public holidays are: Christmas Day, Sunday 25 December 2022 and Monday 26 December 2022 Boxing Day, Monday 26 December 2022 and Tuesday 27 December 2022 New Year's Day, Sunday 1 January 2023 and Monday 2 January 2023 When Christmas Day and New Year’s Day fall on a Sunday the following Monday is also a public holiday and when Boxing...
Labour Relations
Department News
05 Dec 2022
Higher penalties have been introduced for employers who contravene state employment laws or do not provide employees their legal employment entitlements. Under the new penalty provisions: maximum penalties for contravening an entitlement provision (for example, a provision of a WA award) have increased from $2,000 to $65,000 for bodies corporate and $13,000 for individuals maximum penalties for...
Labour Relations
Department News
16 Jan 2023
Employers, parents and young people need to know all the special rules that apply when young people are working during the school holidays. Western Australia’s laws which restrict the types of jobs and work children can be employed to do, and the hours they can work, apply all year around. There are restrictions on the types of businesses that can employ children under 15 years of age. Children...
Labour Relations
Department News
07 Dec 2022
A range of new provisions were introduced in June 2022 in the state industrial relations system to increase employee protections and assist in combatting wage theft. The changes include new provisions which prohibit: employers compelling an employee to accept goods, accommodation or other services of any kind instead of money as part of the employee’s pay (‘payment in kind’) employers...
Labour Relations
Department News
14 Dec 2022
The Long Service Leave Act 1958 (LSL Act) applies to many state and national system employers and employees in Western Australia. On 20 June 2022, record keeping requirements under the LSL Act changed. Employers now need to keep additional long service leave records for each employee, and there are significant new penalties for not keeping required records, or keeping an employment record that...
Labour Relations
Department News
30 Nov 2022


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