Employee / worker


A person conducting a business or undertaking must not direct or allow a worker to carry out construction work unless the worker has successfully completed general construction induction training and, if the worker completed the training more than 2 years previously, the worker has carried out...
Demolition licence
Under the WA Long Service Leave Act , it is compulsory for employers to keep employment records for all employees. All records relevant to the calculation of an employee’s long service leave must be kept for the employee’s entire period of employment and for seven years after the employee’s...
Records and compliance
A health and safety representative (HSR) is elected by their work group to represent workers in work health and safety (WHS) matters. HSRs have powers under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020. Health and safety representative powers A trained HSR has powers to represent their work group in WHS...
Responsibilities and functions
A health and safety representative (HSR) is elected by their work group under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) to represent workers in work health and safety (WHS) matters. A person in a management role can be a HSR if they are a member of the work group and have been elected. However...
Electing a health and safety representative
An elected health and safety representative (HSR) has powers under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) to issue PINs and stop unsafe work. What is a PIN? A PIN is a written notice a trained HSR can issue to a person, requiring them to address a work health and safety (WHS) issue. An HSR...
Responsibilities and functions
These guides and forms are used by registered medical practitioners to notify the regulator on results of health monitoring. Health monitoring guides for PCBUs Health monitoring duties for a person conducting a business or undertaking Health monitoring guides for registered medical practitioners...
Guides for medical practitioners
There are two types of demolition licence (Class 1 and Class 2). Each licence is valid for a period of three years and is endorsed with a number of conditions and legislation that relate to the way demolition work is carried out in Western Australia. The following frequently asked questions relates...
Demolition licence
Find a form to apply for a licence or register plant. Asbestos licence Class A asbestos licence Class A asbestos removal licence Class A asbestos removal licence renewal Interstate asbestos removal licence renewal Change of nominated supervisor on a Class A asbestos removal licence Class B asbestos...
Fees, applications, and notification forms
An application for a replacement high risk work licence or accreditation document which has been lost, stolen or destroyed can be lodged using our online portal. You will be required to complete a declaration describing the circumstances in which the original document was lost, stolen or destroyed...
Fees, applications, and notification forms
High Risk Work Licences are valid for 5 years. If your application to renew is received before your licence expires you can continue to work, until a decision on the application is made. Applications to renew can be made up to 12 months after the licence expires. Follow these 3 steps to renew your...
Manage your existing high risk work licence



This information sheet provides health and safety representative (HSR) with information on their powers under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act).
29 Nov 2022
This information sheet provides information on the election of health and safety representative (HSR) under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) to represent workers in work health and...
05 Apr 2022
This information sheet provides elected health and safety representative (HSR) with information on their powers under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) to issue PINs and stop unsafe work.
05 Apr 2022
This guide is designed to provide information and practical suggestions that may be helpful to you and others at a time when you are grieving and having to navigate legal and other processes...
Guide / handbook
30 Mar 2022
Use this applicant guide to apply for a Class A or Class B Asbestos removal licence.
Guide / handbook
29 Jun 2023
Use this Applicant Guide to apply for a Class 1 and Class 2 demolition licence.
Guide / handbook
30 Mar 2022
Use this guide to apply for accreditation to Assess High Risk Work is issued to a person who has been trained and assessed as competent to conduct a competency assessment for a class of work for...
Guide / handbook
30 Mar 2022
Use this application guide to apply for a high risk work licence.
Guide / handbook
23 Feb 2024
If you are a person conducting a business or undertaking such as a business owner or workplace operator (referred to in this guide as a PCBU), this guide is for you. It explains what your duties are...
Guide / handbook
03 Jan 2023
In November 2021 a member of the public sustained a significant head injury when he fell into the pit at a waste transfer facility. The person was pulling a heavy item from his trailer when he fell...
04 Dec 2023



WorkSafe is investigating the possible work-related death of a 68-year-old farmer near Beverley yesterday. The man was reported to have been working on a farm when he was struck by machinery. WorkSafe investigators examine the circumstances of incidents with a view to ensuring compliance and preventing future incidents of a similar nature. WorkSafe Commissioner Darren Kavanagh said any work-...
Media release
05 Oct 2022
Two new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheets are now available. The new FAQs cover digital identity and the WA Relationship Authorisation Manager (WARAM). The My Account FAQ has also been updated. The FAQs provide answers to common questions such as: What is a digital identity and why we need to protect it? What is the WARAM and how can it benefit our customers and their business ? Both new...
Department News
29 Sep 2022
Dates and locations have been announced for public consultation on the WorkSafe Commissioner’s Inquiry into safety in the agriculture industry. WorkSafe Commissioner Darren Kavanagh announced the Inquiry in June following the 12 th death in 12 months in the agriculture industry, and appointed an Independent Inquirer, Pam Scott, to undertake the Inquiry. Ms Scott will visit four regional centres...
Media release
28 Sep 2022
The entitlement to two weeks’ unpaid pandemic leave has been extended for private sector state system employees. The unpaid pandemic leave provisions were implemented through the COVID-19 General Order issued by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission on 25 March 2022. The General Order now applies until 31 January 2023, unless extended. The COVID-19 General Order applies to...
Labour Relations
Department News
27 Sep 2022
WorkSafe is investigating the work-related death of a 59-year-old farmer at a property 20km north of Esperance yesterday. The man was reported to have been performing repairs under a seed bin when the bin fell on him, inflicting fatal crush injuries. WorkSafe investigators examine the circumstances of incidents with a view to ensuring compliance and preventing future incidents of a similar nature...
Media release
16 Sep 2022
On the National Day of Mourning on Thursday, 22 September 2022 a special public holiday will be held in Western Australia. Wageline has published information on employment entitlements for state system employees on the National Day of Mourning public holiday page. Employers and employees covered by national fair work industrial relations system, including employees covered by national modern...
Labour Relations
Department News
14 Sep 2022
It is nearly time for the Perth Royal Show, and Wageline is giving a timely reminder to all business owners, parents and young workers about children working at the Royal Show. There are restrictions on the ages children can work in Western Australia, and these laws apply to all workplaces including retail outlets, mobile food vans, and amusement rides at the Royal Show. Business owners and...
Labour Relations
Department News
13 Sep 2022
Submissions have been invited to the WorkSafe Inquiry into safety in the agriculture sector . In addition to the call for written submissions, Independent Inquirer Pam Scott will seek community consultation in person at venues to be announced throughout WA. WorkSafe Commissioner Darren Kavanagh announced the Inquiry in June after the 12 th death in the agriculture sector over a 12-month period...
Media release
05 Sep 2022
Monday, 26 September 2022 is a public holiday in Western Australia. This public holiday, previously known as the Queen’s Birthday public holiday, is now known as the King’s Birthday public holiday. Wageline has published public holiday information for state system employers and employees on the King's Birthday 2022 public holiday page. This page provides specific information on entitlements for:...
Labour Relations
Department News
14 Sep 2022
WorkSafe Commissioner Darren Kavanagh has released the Terms of Reference for his Inquiry into the Agricultural Industry and appointed an Independent Inquirer to assist him. The death of a Great Southern farm worker in June was the 12th death in the Agriculture industry in 12 months, leading the Commissioner to initiate an Inquiry under the provisions of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020. The...
Media release
18 Aug 2022


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