Employee / worker


The State Government is committed to engaging with suppliers who meet their employment and industrial obligations. The Supplier Wage Audit (SWA) unit is responsible for auditing suppliers to government to ensure compliance with employment obligations under applicable industrial laws and instruments...
Supplier wage audit
Work health and safety is everybody’s business. We all have a role to play in keeping our workplaces healthy and safe. You can stay connected by: attending your local agricultural shows and WorkSafe WA events like Safe Work Month sign up to WorkSafe’s regular email news alert follow WorkSafe on...
What’s happening in agriculture?
Call 1800 678 198 to report a workplace related death, serious injury or illness, or immediately life-threatening dangerous incident. These must be reported to WorkSafe immediately after becoming aware of the incident. Urgent medical assistance where required should be sought prior to contacting...
Farm safety – Report an incident
Safety alerts are issued by WorkSafe to provide background information and contributing factors which have contributed to an incident. These alerts also suggest practical measures which can be put in place to assist in reducing the risk. Listed below are the safety alerts relevant to the...
Farm safety publications and alerts
WorkSafe is developing a series of case studies showcasing: real incidents where the people involved have suffered a serious injury or death; and examples of practical approaches which have been used by farmers in Western Australia to improve safety. Be sure to keep checking this page to see our...
Farm safety – Know the hazards
The first step in risk management is to identify workplace hazards. This means looking for those things that have the potential to cause harm. Harm can be short or long term and may adversely affect the health and safety of workers, property, the environment, and community relationships. Hazards...
Farm safety – Know the hazards
Everyone in the workplace, including those working on a farm, have duties under work health and safety (WHS) laws. The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) and associated Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 came into effect in March 2022 and so if you haven’t already, it’s a good...
Farm safety and WHS
Our disclaimer Wageline undertakes searches using business names to determine if a particular business is covered by the state or the national industrial relations system. Please note that identifying whether a particular employer falls within the state or national industrial relations system can...
Stay informed with Wageline
An industrial inspector may accept a written undertaking from a person, called an ‘enforceable undertaking’, if the inspector reasonably believes the person has contravened an entitlement provision or civil penalty provision under the Industrial Relations Act 1979 . In most cases, the person giving...
Compliance activities
An industrial inspector may issue a compliance notice to a person where they reasonably believe the person has contravened an ‘entitlement provision’ under the Industrial Relations Act 1979 . In most cases, the person will be an employer. What is a compliance notice? A compliance notice requires...
Compliance activities



This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to label hazardous chemicals that are being manufactured or imported for use, handling or storage in Australia.
Code of practice
15 Jul 2022
Engineered stone ban From 1 July 2024 the use, supply and manufacture of engineered stone slabs, panels and benchtops of engineered stone is banned in Western Australia. This Code remains available...
Code of practice
10 Jul 2024
This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with managing risks of plant in the workplace.
Code of practice
01 Mar 2024
This code of practice provides practical guidance to PCBUs on how to manage health and safety risks associated with removing asbestos or asbestos containing materials (ACM) from workplaces. A PCBU...
Code of practice
16 May 2023
This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to manage risks associated with asbestos, asbestos containing material (ACM) and asbestos-contaminated dust or debris (ACD) at the workplace...
Code of practice
17 May 2023
This code of practice provides practical guidance for those who design, construct, import, supply or install plant or structures, on how to eliminate, or if that is not possible, minimise the risk of...
Code of practice
13 May 2023
This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to eliminate, or if that is not possible, minimise the risk of falls from height in housing construction. This code of practice should be read...
Code of practice
18 Jul 2022
This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with hazardous chemicals used in the workplace.
Code of practice
15 Jul 2022
This Code provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with stevedoring. This Code has been developed to support the WHS Act and WHS Regulations and applies to all...
Code of practice
15 Jul 2022
This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with abrasive blasting.
Code of practice
15 Jul 2022



Media statement from Hon Sue Ellery BA MLC, Minister for Commerce Latest stage of security of payment reforms to protect building and construction subcontractors now in effect McGowan Government retention trust scheme election commitment delivered Increased powers to ensure good commercial behaviour in the building sector The McGowan Government has further improved payment protections for...
Building and Energy
Media release
01 Feb 2023
Easter is just around the corner. The Western Australian public holidays for the 2023 Easter period are: Good Friday – Friday 7 April Easter Sunday – Sunday 9 April Easter Monday – Monday 10 April Wageline will be closed across the Easter period and reopen on Tuesday 11 April. Visit the Easter 2023 public holiday entitlements page for details on the public holiday entitlements for Easter public...
Labour Relations
Department News
03 Apr 2023
Wageline has published information to assist state system employers and employees with public holiday arrangements for Easter 2023. The Western Australian public holidays for the 2023 Easter period are: Good Friday – Friday 7 April Easter Sunday – Sunday 9 April Easter Monday – Monday 10 April Visit the Easter 2023 public holiday entitlements page for details on the public holiday entitlements...
Labour Relations
Department News
15 Feb 2023
Monday 6 March is the public holiday for Labour Day. Wageline is closed for the public holiday and reopens at 9am on Tuesday 7 March. State system employers and employees can check public holiday entitlements on the Labour Day 2023 public holiday entitlements page of the Wageline website. The page details public holiday entitlements for Labour Day 2023 for: state system award free employees Shop...
Labour Relations
Department News
02 Mar 2023
The public holiday for Labour Day in 2023 is Monday 6 March. Employment entitlements for public holidays will vary based on an employee's award coverage and employment arrangements. Visit the Labour Day 2023 public holiday entitlements page for details on the public holiday entitlements for Labour Day for state system employers and employees, including specific information for: award free...
Labour Relations
Department News
06 Feb 2023
Work health and safety regulations for the control of psychosocial risks will come into effect on 24 December 2022. These regulations will require a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to eliminate psychosocial risks, or to minimise them so far as is reasonably practicable. This new duty places psychosocial hazards on the same footing as other significant hazards such as falls or...
Department News
23 Dec 2022
The owner of cafe Busselton Bean & Gone, Roger Clark, has been fined $7,725 by the Industrial Magistrates Court for failing to comply with a court order to produce employment records. An industrial inspector from the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety issued Mr Clark with two notices to produce employment records in 2021 as part of a proactive compliance campaign in the...
Labour Relations
Media release
20 Dec 2022
If you are planning ahead, you can find the public holidays dates for 2023, 2024 and 2025 on the Public holidays in Western Australia page.
Labour Relations
Department News
09 Jan 2023
Western Australia’s laws about when children can work apply during both school terms and in school holidays. Children of compulsory school age are not permitted to work during the hours when the child is required to attend school (or otherwise participate in an educational program of school). There are restrictions on the type of job and working hours for children under 15 years of age. These...
Labour Relations
Department News
30 Jan 2023
A Perth freight transport company has been fined $40,000 (and ordered to pay $18,996.30 in costs) after the court decided it failed to provide a safe workplace for employees. Centurion Transport Co Pty Ltd pleaded guilty to failing to provide and maintain a safe work environment for persons engaged by its contractors, and was fined in the Perth Magistrates Court on Wednesday. In October 2017,...
Media release
16 Dec 2022


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