Business / company


Servicing requirements of pre-1980 gas appliances A prohibition order was gazetted in July 2013 banning the sale, hire or use of pre-1980 Natural Gas appliances to the coastal supply area as shown on the ERA website . The prohibition order means that it is an offence to offer for sale, hire,...
Gas appliances
Scams, ripoffs and frauds are becoming more and more commonplace. Consumer Protection has developed WA ScamNet as one method of combatting this ever increasing problem. How to spot a scam There are so many types of scams out in the community, it can be very hard to identify what is legitimate and...
The following provides links to media statements where the Department has named traders (businesses and individuals) or conducted other compliance action for non-compliance with laws administered by Consumer Protection . 2023 21 November - Tow truck company warned for misleading and unfair conduct...
Compliance actions
Blind and curtain cords can present a strangulation hazard to children, as they may become entangled in them while trying to use, play with or play around window coverings. Mandatory standards A mandatory standard for the installation services of window coverings commenced on 1 January 2015. Read...
Product safety for business
Stocktake, mid-year, clearance and special occasion sales are a great way to boost revenue and clear out some old stock but you must meet all the consumer guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law. Here are some tips to keep your sales a success and your customers happy. Customer service...
Sales practices
CP Awards - 2024
CP Awards - 2024, by Consumer Protection
2024 Consumer Protection Awards Congratulations to the 2024 winners - the year we celebrate our 20th anniversary of the awards. Read more at our winners and finalists page . Register your email to be kept informed on winners and updates. About the Consumer...
Consumer Protection Awards
A national recall is being coordinated by a taskforce chaired by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). Building and Energy and Consumer Protection are working with the taskforce as the WA regulators. The sub-standard cables, imported by Infinity Cable Co Pty Ltd (in liquidation...
Electrical installations
When goods fail to meet a guarantee, the consumer has a right to a ‘remedy’ – an attempt to put the situation right. Common remedies include repair, replacement and refund. As a supplier, you must give a remedy when your services are not provided: with due care and skill; in a way that is fit for...
Returns and cancellations
Check out WorkSafe’s range of videos. These videos are free to view and can be used by workplaces, people who are studying safety and health and for training and teaching purposes. General information Hazard awareness Managing the risk of falls at workplaces: Running time: 13:05 mins Falling from...
Consumer Protection media statements are available online. Ministerial media statements Media statements issued by the Hon Sue Ellery MLC , Minister for Finance; Commerce; Women's Interests, Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council, are available from the Government Media Office page ...
About us



Changes to pre-estimated liquidated damages From 1 January 2022, the maximum amount of pre-estimated liquidated damages that a dealer may charge is five per cent. Background to the review The...
Consumer Protection
04 Jan 2022
The Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1970 (the DUG Act) was introduced in 1970 following a report by the Law Reform Commission (LRC report) which recommended that legislation be enacted to permit a...
Consumer Protection
Discussion paper
26 Jun 2019
In March 2019, a truck mounted concrete pump with boom (TMCPWB) collapsed on to an operator. The injured person had his leg pinned by the boom, causing leg injuries. Possible contributing factors in...
04 Dec 2023
Consumer Protection (CP) Western Australia’s Facebook page is managed by the CP Media team. We’re real people, not bots, so please be nice to us. By using or accessing our page, you’re agreeing to...
Consumer Protection
09 Jan 2019
Employees standing near traffic along roadways, roundabouts and in parking areas while holding or ‘flapping’ advertising billboards can be exposed to a hazard from moving vehicles. Employees often do...
12 Nov 2021
Form last updated 6 July 2020 Who needs to complete this form? Settlement agents who did not receive any trust funds for the audit period may be required to lodge this declaration with Consumer...
Consumer Protection
Form – notification
06 Jul 2020
This checklist has been developed to highlight workplace health and sa fety issues in sports and recreation clubs and provides information on how to best manage those risks to minimise workplace...
01 Aug 2022
The Western Australian Government is seeking your comments on the proposals to modernise Western Australia’s WHS laws. Background On 12 July 2017, the Government announcemed the development of a...
17 Jun 2022
This consultation CLOSED on Monday 27 August 2018. New fitness code published The Fair Trading (Fitness Industry Code) Regulations 2020 (WA) (that contain the new Fitness Industry Code) were...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
16 Oct 2020
Consumer Protection is concerned that some WA retailers are referring customers with warranty claims to the manufacturer when it is their responsibility under consumer law. There have been a high...
Consumer Protection
Fact sheet
21 Jun 2018



New licence category proposed for dealers wanting to sell on consignment Character test for licence applicants and their associates to be strengthened Specific dealer training to focus on laws and practices for consignment sales Losses incurred by owners when selling their motor vehicles and caravans on consignment have prompted action by the McGowan Government with a new licence category to be...
Consumer Protection
Media release
29 Apr 2022
Real concerns that defective vehicles from flood areas will be sold in WA Potential buyers urged to find out the vehicle’s full history before purchase A number of checks can be carried out to make an informed decision WA consumers are being warned to be vigilant with fears that flood-damaged vehicles from the eastern states will be sold in WA. Consumer Protection urges buyers of second-hand...
Consumer Protection
Media release
28 Apr 2022
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today it is likely motorists will have to wait for two weeks before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 20 April 2022), the average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by over 27 cents...
Consumer Protection
Media release
19 Apr 2022
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today it is likely motorists will have to wait for two weeks before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 6 April 2022), the average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 18 cents per...
Consumer Protection
Media release
05 Apr 2022
The new Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 (WHS Regulations) were gazetted on 11 March 2022 and will commence on the 31 March 2022, bringing the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 into full force and effect. The WHS Regulations replace the current Occupational and Safety Regulations 1996 (OSH Regulations). You can access the WHS Regulations on the WA Legislation website: WALW - Work...
Department News
25 Mar 2022
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today it is likely motorists will have to wait for two weeks before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 23 March 2022), the average Perth price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 21...
Consumer Protection
Media release
22 Mar 2022
Seeking feedback on proposed funeral pricing rules for WA Price to be displayed upfront, clearer and more transparent for funeral organisers Aim is to stamp out misleading practices at a distressing time for those who have lost a loved one Confusion over the true cost of funerals will be targeted by proposed regulations being put forward by the McGowan Government as part of the current reform of...
Consumer Protection
Media release
17 Mar 2022
New powers to enforce WA’s anti-ticket scalping laws Consumer Protection can now issue infringement notices to offenders Higher penalties apply if law breakers prosecuted through the courts New regulations under WA’s ticket scalping laws will give Consumer Protection the power to issue infringement notices to people identified as re-selling concert and event tickets at a mark-up that is greater...
Consumer Protection
Media release
17 Mar 2022
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today it is likely motorists will have to wait for two weeks before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 9 March 2022), the average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by over 29 cents...
Consumer Protection
Media release
08 Mar 2022
Detailed eligibility criteria updated for Level 1 and 2 small business grant programs Periods of reduced turnover shortened to deliver assistance sooner for Level 1 and Level 2 COVID-19 Business Assistance Packages Applications to open March 10 for the Small Business Rental Relief Package and March 17 for the Small Business Hardship Fund The McGowan Government has worked with industry to bring...
Consumer Protection
Media release
04 Mar 2022


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