Building surveyor


This bulletin is to provide general guidance on typical bushfire construction details that should be included within plans and specifications that are listed in a certificate of design compliance.
Building and Energy
14 Sep 2018
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) 2016 bushfire performance requirements GP5.1 and P2.3.4 require certain residential buildings (being Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 buildings and associated Class...
Building and Energy
14 Sep 2018
This industry bulletin provides guidance on developing performance solutions for housing projects. The information is based on material available at the time of publication and may be subject to...
Building and Energy
13 Aug 2018
This fact sheet provides information about lightning and includes duties for employers of outdoor workers and precautions to be taken to reduce the risk of injuries and deaths as a result of...
Fact sheet
18 May 2018
New legislation will be coming into effect on 14 May 2018 which will require all workers performing work for reward at “domestic-type” premises, turn off all sources of electricity by opening the...
Guidance note
05 Jul 2018
A person who proposes to construct, extend or alter a public building must comply with the relevant requirements of Western Australia’s health legislation relating to public buildings. This Industry...
Building and Energy
04 Apr 2018
This guide has been produced to inform building surveyors, fire engineers, designers and others involved in developing and approving Performance Solutions relating to fire safety, of the practice...
Building and Energy
Guidance note
01 Feb 2018
The Building Amendment Regulations (No. 3) 2017 (the Amendment Regulations) were published in the Government Gazette on 22 December 2017. The Amendment Regulations can be accessed on the...
Building and Energy
11 Nov 2021



The National Energy Efficient Buildings Project (NEEBP) is working to improve energy efficiency in new buildings, renovations and additions, on behalf of the Commonwealth, state and territory governments.
Building and Energy
Department News
07 Apr 2015
Commerce Minister Michael Mischin has announced a package of regulatory reforms to help Western Australia’s building and plumbing industries save money and work more efficiently.
Building and Energy
Department News
31 Mar 2015
The Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC) is hosting a seminar on the challenges of a multi-storey high rise residential fire. During this seminar Chief Officer David Youssef of the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board, Victoria (MFB) will explore the challenges of a multi-storey high rise residential fire based on learnings from a structure fire that...
Building and Energy
Department News
07 Apr 2015
The Building Commission has released the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (CRIS) as the first part of the public comment phase of the statutory review of the Architects Act 2004 . The review addresses some broad policy issues concerning the need to register architects, the adoption of a national recognition model, whether to extend the registration of architects to other building design...
Building and Energy
Department News
27 Feb 2015
The implementation of Western Australia’s new building laws was the first step towards moving our state towards a risk-based system of building regulation.
Building and Energy
Department News
15 Apr 2014
The Building Commission is investigating a number of complaints regarding work being certified by building surveyors that may not show compliance with the performance requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA). Building surveyors are reminded that ensuring compliance with the building standards is their fundamental role and that serious consequences can result should they fail to meet...
Building and Energy
Department News
26 Feb 2015
Future online editions, commencing with the 2015 National Construction Code (NCC), will be freely available to registered users, commencing with access to a free preview of NCC 2015 (both online and in PDF) prior to its adoption date of 1 May 2015. From 1 February 2015, users are able to access NCC 2015 which includes: Volume One (Building Code of Australia for Class 2 to Class 9 Buildings);...
Building and Energy
Department News
30 Jan 2015
If you undertake alterations and additions, then you will need to know how to use the WA Alterations & Additions Protocol (Protocol), a new option for meeting the energy efficiency requirements.
Building and Energy
Department News
13 Jan 2015
The Building Services (Registration) Regulations 2011 (the Regulations) provide for the registration of building service providers, including building surveyors.
Building and Energy
Department News
13 Jan 2015
The Building Commission has received several calls regarding a report that aired on Channel 7’s Today Tonight program on 11 December 2014. At the conclusion of the report, which looked at the “problems, dangers and hidden costs of home renovations”, the program’s host stated that “as of next year, you’ll no longer need council approval for swimming pools, patios and granny flats”. This...
Building and Energy
Department News
19 Dec 2014


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