Building surveyor


Report of the Building Commissioner for the financial year to 30 June 2017.
Building and Energy
12 Dec 2018
Report of the Building Commissioner for the financial year to 30 June 2018. Construction Contracts Act 2004
Building and Energy
12 Dec 2018
Building Focus newsletter brings you the latest news for the building, building surveying and painting industries and replaces the Building Commission News. Building Focus Issue 1 Click here to view...
Building and Energy
10 Dec 2018
On 23 February 2018, the Minister announced the establishment of the IAG, as a means of facilitating consultation with key industry stakeholders on measures to improve security of payment for...
Building and Energy
11 Dec 2018
Made under section 67(2A) of the Building Act 2011 (the Act), the Ministerial Order applies to all building permit applications for a Class 1 or Class 10 building or incidental structure.
Building and Energy
21 Nov 2018
The Building Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2018 (the Amendment Regulations) were published in the Government Gazette on 5 October 2018. The Amendment Regulations create new regulation 31HA in the...
Building and Energy
05 Oct 2018
Use this form to apply in writing for mutual recognition of your licence if you are working as a builder, painter, building surveyor, or building engineer. If you have issues opening this form in...
Building and Energy
Form – application
04 Jul 2024
The Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) contacted all government departments and agencies (agencies) regarding the risk presented by combustible cladding and requested...
Building and Energy
04 Dec 2023
The Building Services (Registration) Amendment Regulations 2018 (the Amendment Regulations) were published in the Government Gazette on Friday 21 September 2018. The Amendment Regulations can be...
Building and Energy
11 Nov 2021
Progress report This report is in response to recommendation 7 of the Ombudsman Western Australia (Ombudsman) report titled Investigation into ways to prevent or reduce deaths of children by drowning...
Building and Energy
18 Sep 2018



From 8 April 2016 new roof-mounted evaporative coolers being installed on residential buildings that are located in a designated bush fire prone area must be fitted with non-combustible covers. The Building Commission has produced a new fact sheet Roof-mounted evaporative coolers to explain the risks and requirements. For further information please contact the Building Commission on 1300 489 099...
Building and Energy
Department News
11 Apr 2016
A Building Industry Summit today aims to identify new red tape reductions and ways to streamline regulatory requirements for the construction of new homes, residential renovations and commercial construction.
Building and Energy
Department News
02 Feb 2016
The State Government has announced reforms for building in bushfire-prone areas of Western Australia. The Department of Fire and Emergency Services has prepared a map which identifies the bushfire-prone areas across the State. A bushfire hazard assessment will be required for new homes in areas identified as bushfire-prone on the map. The assessment will determine the level of construction...
Building and Energy
Department News
07 Dec 2015
To strengthen its underwriting of home indemnity insurance the Western Australian Government will raise premiums by 18 per cent from 1 January 2016.
Building and Energy
Department News
30 Oct 2015
The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (ASEA) has told a recent Senate inquiry into non-conforming building products that a wide range of imported goods and materials used in the building industry has been found to contain asbestos. Last year, cement compound board imported into the Australian Capital Territory from China was found to contain chrysotile asbestos and in New South Wales an...
Building and Energy
Department News
18 Aug 2015
Information sessions on accreditation and training for Level 1 BAL Assessors are to be held on Friday 14 August 2015 in Perth and Bunbury.
Building and Energy
Department News
31 Jul 2015
The Building Commission conducted a survey of home owners, local governments and builders in February and March 2015 to review the requirement for owners to sign a building permit application form. These stakeholders were surveyed on: Their awareness of the current exemption; The requirement for owners to give consent to a building permit application form being submitted to the local government;...
Building and Energy
Department News
28 Apr 2015
Presented by James Bertram, coordinator of Building Commons, an industry-led research and development group, this workshop will: explain how the shift to BCA 2015 (6 Star) will affect energy efficiency compliance for alterations and additions; and demonstrate how to use the accompanying resources for calculating and reporting compliance.
Building and Energy
Department News
13 Apr 2015
The National Construction Code 2015 (NCC) is provided as a preview of requirements that will be adopted on 1 May 2015 and it's now available online for FREE!
Building and Energy
Department News
13 Apr 2015
The Fire and Emergency Services Amendment Bill 2014 ('the FES Bill'), which was recently introduced into Parliament, creates a head of power in the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1998 to allow the Fire and Emergency Services ('FES') Commissioner to make orders designating areas of the State as bushfire-prone.
Building and Energy
Department News
07 Apr 2015


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