Ask Us is a series of education initiatives and publications designed specifically for Aboriginal consumers in Western Australia. If you have a question about your mobile phone contract, about your...
Consumer Protection
Fact sheet
21 Oct 2021
The Home Buyers Assistance Account assists people to purchase their first home in Western Australia. Eligible applicants receive a grant of up to $2,000 to reimburse some of the expenses associated...
Consumer Protection
Form – application
17 Mar 2022
A complete list of Building Commission Advisory Notes. Building Commission Advisory Notes are published to provide technical and regulatory information for the building industry of Western Australia.
Building and Energy
Advisory note
07 Nov 2018
Building Commission Industry Bulletins are published to provide regular updates on legislative requirements for the building industry of Western Australia.
Building and Energy
20 May 2014
Building Commission Industry Bulletins are published to provide regular updates on legislative requirements for the building industry of Western Australia.
Building and Energy
20 May 2014
Building Commission Industry Bulletins are published to provide regular updates on legislative requirements for the building industry of Western Australia.
Building and Energy
20 May 2014
Building Commission Industry Bulletins are published to provide regular updates on legislative requirements for the building industry of Western Australia.
Building and Energy
20 May 2014
Building Commission Industry Bulletins are published to provide regular updates on legislative requirements for the building industry of Western Australia.
Building and Energy
20 May 2014
A complete list of building industry bulletins published for the building services and plumbing industries.
Building and Energy
26 Jun 2024
Information about using electricity safely near water.
Building and Energy
19 Jul 2019


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