Publications relating to compulsory professional development for settlement agents.
Consumer Protection
22 Sep 2017
Who needs to complete this form Developers are required to register their principal place of business with the Commissioner for Consumer Protection (the Commissioner) for as long as the business is...
Consumer Protection
Form – application
29 Jun 2018
Regular newsletters are produced to keep settlement agents up to date on any licence requirements, law updates, scam alerts or industry news.
Consumer Protection
18 Jun 2015
Regular news items are produced to keep land valuers up to date on any licence requirements, law updates, scam alerts or industry news.
Consumer Protection
25 Nov 2014
These guidelines for the safe management of high voltage electrical installations are issued under Section 33AA of the Electricity Act 1945 (WA) by the Director of Energy Safety and are endorsed by...
Guide / handbook
26 May 2014
Regular bulletins are produced to keep real estate agents up to date on any licence requirements, law updates, scam alerts or industry news. Want more information? Full list of Real Estate Bulletins...
Consumer Protection
11 Nov 2014
A series of product safety publications for businesses.
Consumer Protection
03 Jul 2024
A series of product safety publications for consumers.
Consumer Protection
19 Dec 2023
Ask Us is a series of education initiatives and publications designed specifically for Aboriginal consumers in Western Australia. If you have a question about your mobile phone contract, about your...
Consumer Protection
Fact sheet
21 Oct 2021
The Home Buyers Assistance Account assists people to purchase their first home in Western Australia. Eligible applicants receive a grant of up to $2,000 to reimburse some of the expenses associated...
Consumer Protection
Form – application
17 Mar 2022


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