

Welcome to the WorkSafe library The library has an extensive collection of resources relating to occupational health and safety, including occupational medicine, chemical safety, ergonomics, safety management, occupational hygiene, work life and society. The library is a free service open to the...
Confined spaces pose dangers because they are usually not designed to be areas where people work. Confined spaces often have poor ventilation, which allows hazardous atmospheres to develop quickly, especially if the space is small. The hazards are not always obvious and may change from one entry...
Confined spaces
Construction workers are among the most affected by industrial deafness. Safe Work Australia research shows that the construction industry is the third noisiest industry sector. The types of workers at risk include: Users of impact equipment and tools (e.g. piling hammers, concrete breakers, manual...
Noise and vibration
Acoustic enclosures, barriers and isolation There may be times when you will need to use your skills to construct an acoustic enclosure or screen, soundproof a room or fabricate acoustic ductwork. This document gives some tips on materials to use and how to avoid the common pitfalls. What acoustic...
Noise and vibration
One of the most cost-effective ways of reducing noise in a workplace is to 'buy quiet'. Purchasing quiet products can reduce noise levels without additional modification to equipment or the workplace. This guide offers ideas for general equipment and for the specific purchase of saw blades. General...
Noise and vibration
This page contains frequently asked questions on mobile phones. Can I get cancer from using my mobile phone? In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (part of the World Health Organisation) classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields ('microwave emissions'), such as those...
Mobile phones
Sun protection resources for outdoor workers Outdoor workers are at increased risk from skin cancer and damage to the eyes because they often spend long periods of time working outdoors year after year. Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV)...
Environmental factors
The State of the Work Environment (SOWE) series is produced by WorkSafe to promote awareness of workplace health and safety in Western Australia. This report mainly focuses on work-related traumatic injury fatalities occurring in Western Australia in the last decade. The data used to produce this...
Safety statistics
WorkCover WA produces the Industry Benchmarks that can be used for the evaluation of the occupational safety and health performance of various industries based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) 2006 industry divisions and sub-divisions. For a full listing...
Safety statistics
Western Australia Visit WorkCover WA website for Workers' Compensation in WA Statistical Report and other statistical information National Visit Safe Work Australia for national work health and safety information including: Australian work-related traumatic injury fatalities Australian Workers’...
Safety statistics



This publication is a summary of the Wine Industry Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage Case decision increasing the...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This publication is a summary of the Motor Vehicle (Service Station, Sales Establishments, Rust Prevention and Paint Protection) Industry Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This publication is a summary of the Clerks (Hotel, Motel and Clubs) Award (Clerks HMC Award). On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
What the law says Employers must do all that is practical to ensure that workers are not exposed to hazards in the workplace. This includes providing training, information, supervision and managing...
15 Apr 2016
WorkSafe Plan Certificates of Achievement are presented at three levels and are valid for two years. Platinum WorkSafe Plan achievers Platinum Certificates are for those organisations that achieve...
20 Jun 2023
In February/March 2016, the WorkSafe Western Australia Commissioner and senior WorkSafe officers presented a number of seminars, in the metropolitan area and three regional locations, to registered...
13 Apr 2016
This publication is a summary of the Cleaners and Caretakers Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage Case decision increasing...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This sample letter is to be used as part of the process of making a complaint to Private Sector Labour Relations at the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety about alleged...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
01 Dec 2023
Some chemicals can damage your hearing. These are called ototoxic chemicals. Construction workers are also at risk of hearing damage from noise exposure. About one in five construction workers report...
26 May 2017
If you have received an improvement notice, follow the four steps below. Improvement notice received Do you need more time or do you disagree? Complete Form 4 ; and Send to WorkSafe – Must be sent...
02 Jun 2020



A proactive inspection program undertaken by WorkSafe to look at safety in workplaces where scientific testing takes place has returned encouraging results for the sector. The program involved WorkSafe inspectors visiting workplaces in Perth and regional areas of the State where non-destructive scientific testing including radiographic, ultrasonic, magnetic particle, liquid penetrant,...
Media release
11 Jul 2019
A proactive inspection program undertaken by WorkSafe to look at safety in workplaces where machinery and equipment is repaired has uncovered concerns with hazardous substances, mobile plant and emergency procedures. The program involved WorkSafe inspectors visiting workplaces where repairs are carried out on items such as agricultural and farm machinery, lawnmowers, outboard motors, pumps and...
Media release
03 Jul 2019
On 18 June 2019, amendments to the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 (OSH Regulations) were Gazetted. The Occupational Safety and Health Amendment Regulations (No.2) 2019 makes changes to the definition of ‘commercial vehicle’ in regulation 3.130 of the OSH regulations. This brings drivers of all commercial and hire vehicles, including taxis within the scope of the fatigue...
02 Jul 2019
WorkSafe is prosecuting four parties over the death of 17-year-old Wesley Ballantine, who fell through a void in the roof of an internal atrium at the old GPO building in Forrest Place during a construction project in 2017. Valmont WA Pty Ltd, the main contractor for one stage of the project, has been charged with failing to ensure that persons who were not their employees were not exposed to...
Media release
26 Jun 2019
The State minimum wage for award free employees and all pay rates in WA awards increase effective from the first pay period on or after 1 July 2019. In June the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission awarded a 2.75% increase in the State minimum wage for award free adult employees, lifting it to $746.90 per week. WA award rates of pay were also increased by 2.75%. Junior rates and...
Labour Relations
Department News
24 Jun 2019
Many WA awards require employers to pay an employee working in certain regional towns a location allowance to compensate for the additional cost of living, climatic discomfort, and isolation in these towns. Location allowance is varied annually in accordance with the Consumer Price Index for Perth, excluding housing. The location allowance payable for each town will increase from the first pay...
Labour Relations
Department News
24 Jun 2019
WorkSafe is conducting a proactive inspection program to look at safety issues in glass product manufacturing workplaces across WA. The program will continue until the end of the 2019/20 financial year, and will include glass product manufacturers in metropolitan and regional areas of the State. WorkSafe Director Chris Kirwin said today an inspection program was being undertaken in this area...
Media release
21 Jun 2019
WorkSafe has been conducting a proactive inspection program to look at safety and health issues in stone benchtop fabricators. The program will be conducted for the remainder of this financial year, and will continue throughout the 2019/20 financial year. WorkSafe WA Commissioner Darren Kavanagh said the inspection program was initiated in response to serious concerns raised in Queensland last...
Media release
19 Jun 2019
The Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission has increased the state minimum wage and all pay rates in WA awards effective from the first pay period on or after 1 July 2019. The Commission has today awarded a 2.75% increase in the state minimum wage for employees who have reached 21 years of age, lifting it to $746.90 per week. WA award rates of pay will also increase by 2.75%. Junior...
Labour Relations
Department News
14 Jun 2019
Private Sector Labour Relations has now concluded its proactive compliance campaign targeting horse riding schools and equestrian centres. As part of the compliance campaign, horse riding businesses across Western Australia were audited by industrial inspectors to ensure that children were not being employed in contravention of child employment laws. Overall, there was a positive response to the...
Labour Relations
Department News
13 Jun 2019


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