Employee / worker


WorkSafe takes a systems based approach to the prevention of inappropriate workplace behaviours, such as bullying, harassment (including sexual harassment ) and workplace violence/aggression (including sexual assault ). WorkSafe inquiries focus on the systems in place at a workplace to prevent and...
Ask a question or make a complaint
This page contains frequently asked questions relating to asbestos removal and licensing. Training What are the VET courses required for asbestos removal? Course Class A Class B VET Course Supervise Asbestos Removal (current unit CPCCDE4008) Required Required VET Course Remove Friable Asbestos (...
Information about asbestos licences
Applicants seeking guidance or who require an application form to apply for an asbestos licence, please see the documentation below. Application guide Application for asbestos removal licence [Class A and Class B] Application forms Application for an asbestos removal licence Class B Application to...
Asbestos removal licence applications
Applicants seeking guidance or who require an application form to apply for an asbestos licence, please see the documentation below. Application guide Application for asbestos removal licence [Class A and Class B] Application forms Application for an asbestos removal licence Class A Application for...
Asbestos removal licence applications
Asbestos assessor licenses are not mandatory in Western Australia until 31 March 2024 . Over the first 2 years of WHS laws in WA coming into effect, the work normally carried out by an asbestos assessor can be carried out either by an independent competent person or by an asbestos assessor...
Information about asbestos licences
Listed below are the current licencing fees for asbestos, demolition, high risk work and high risk work assessors. Fee changes Please note that fees can change at short notice. Fees and charges are reviewed each year with changes routinely coming into effect on 1 July each year. High risk work...
Fees, applications, and notification forms
A state-wide campaign is being undertaken by Private Sector Labour Relations division to promote compliance with state employment laws by the hairdressing industry in the state industrial relation system. Employers who are in the state industrial relations system are those where the businesses...
Proactive compliance campaigns
The Work Health and Safety Commission has developed codes of practice which focus on different areas where psychosocial as well physical harms may be experienced in a workplace. Violence and aggression at work code of practice The Violence and aggression at work code of practice focuses on the...
Mentally healthy workplaces
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed 4 April 2022. Please subscribe to the Associations newsletter to keep up to date with the latest association information. The Associations Incorporation Act 2015 is being reviewed to check how well it is working. Background The purpose of this review...
Employers, or persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), have a duty under work health and safety (WHS) legislation to eliminate or, if that is not reasonably practicable, minimise the risks of COVID-19 at the workplace so far as is reasonably practicable. In addition to your obligations...
Diseases and health



The Digital DMIRS Strategy seeks to improve the department’s operations and service delivery through the effective use of technology. Some goals of the strategy are to modernise digital systems and...
23 Dec 2020
This publication is a summary of the Transport Workers (Passenger Vehicles) Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage Case...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This publication is a summary of the Bakers (Country) Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024 State Wage Case decision increasing the...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This publication is a summary of the Aboriginal Communities and Organisations Western Australian Interim Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
In March 2020, a young worker was assaulted during a robbery by three males at a 24-hour service station. The worker was new to the job and was working alone for the duration of the night shift. At...
17 Sep 2020
This document provides contact details for asbestos regulators and information sources.
17 Aug 2020
In early March 2020, a demolition team was taking down a large industrial unit. The team had removed fire suppression pipework from the roof and collected portable fire extinguishers from around the...
06 Aug 2020
This publication is a summary of the Social and Community Services (Western Australian) Interim Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued the 2024...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This publication is a summary of the Crisis Assistance, Supported Housing Industry - Western Australian Interim Award. On 12 June 2024 the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC)...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
26 Jun 2024
This strategic plan sets out realistic goals for the Commission for Occupational Safety and Health to achieve over the next three years.
24 Jun 2020



Wageline has recently published information to assist state system employers and employees with public holiday arrangements for Easter 2022. Easter Sunday is now a public holiday in Western Australia, and Wageline’s 2022 Easter information includes arrangements for this new public holiday. The Western Australian public holidays for the 2022 Easter period are: Good Friday – Friday 15 April Easter...
Labour Relations
Department News
25 Feb 2022
The public holiday for Labour Day in 2022 is Monday 7 March. Under the Public and Bank Holidays Act 1972 , in Western Australia the Labour Day public holiday is the first Monday in March. The Labour Day public holiday entitlements for 2022 page provides information on entitlements for: state system award free employees Shop and Warehouse (Wholesale and Retail Establishments) Award Restaurant,...
Labour Relations
Department News
01 Mar 2022
In 2021, Private Sector Labour Relations industrial inspectors helped employees to recover more than $990,000 in unpaid wages and leave entitlements. A total of 251 complaints were conciliated and investigated by industrial inspectors which resulted in the recovery of $591,013 for employees. Other underpayments were recovered through proactive compliance audit campaigns in the café and restaurant...
Labour Relations
Department News
18 Feb 2022
The state Metal Trades (General) Award has been updated by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) and Wageline has published a new WA award summary for the Metal Trades (General) Award at www.dmirs.wa.gov.au/awardsummaries The award variation is effective from the first pay period on or after 9 February 2022. The award variation has not changed adult or junior pay rates in...
Labour Relations
Department News
11 Feb 2022
The Public and Bank Holidays Act 1972 , which specifies public holidays for WA, was amended by the Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act 2021 (IRLA Act) to make Easter Sunday a public holiday. The Easter Sunday provisions in the IRLA Act commenced on 12 February 2022. For employers and employees in the state industrial relations system, the Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993 has...
Labour Relations
Department News
14 Feb 2022
WorkSafe is investigating the work-related death of an 89-year-old farmer at Berkshire Valley – 200km north of Perth – late on Tuesday. The farmer was reported to have been unloading hay from a tractor when the vehicle slipped into gear and rolled, striking him. WorkSafe investigators examine the circumstances of incidents with a view to ensuring compliance and preventing future incidents of a...
Media release
10 Feb 2022
The owner of a chain of hairdressing salons has been ordered to pay a penalty of $42,804 for underpaying two migrant workers who worked as hairdressers. In April 2021, Mr Wei Zhu trading as Shining Quick Cutz, was ordered by the Industrial Magistrates Court to repay the two employees more than $90,000 in total for unpaid wages under the state Hairdressers Award 1989, plus interest. The Court...
Labour Relations
Media release
03 Feb 2022
Western Australia’s laws about when children can work apply during both school terms and in school holidays. Children of compulsory school age are not permitted to work during the hours when the child is required to attend school (or otherwise participate in an educational program of school). There are restrictions on the type of job and working hours for children under 15 years of age. These...
Labour Relations
Department News
31 Jan 2022
Wednesday 26 January is the public holiday for Australia Day. State system employers and employees can check public holiday entitlements on the Australia Day public holiday entitlements for 2022 page of the Wageline website. The page details public holiday entitlements for Australia Day 2022 for: state system award free employees Shop and Warehouse (Wholesale and Retail Establishments) Award...
Labour Relations
Department News
24 Jan 2022
Changes to state employment laws introduced by the Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act 2021 (IRLA Act) will commence in early 2022. Employers and employees covered by state employment laws will have a range of new obligations and entitlements. The IRLA Act amends the Industrial Relations Act 1979 , the Long Service Leave Act 1958 , the Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993 and the...
Labour Relations
Department News
19 Jan 2022


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