Employment obligations in the hairdressing industry

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Employee / workerEmployer

A state-wide campaign is being undertaken by Private Sector Labour Relations division to promote compliance with state employment laws by the hairdressing industry in the state industrial relation system.

Employers who are in the state industrial relations system are those where the businesses operate as:

  • sole traders;
  • unincorporated partnerships; and
  • unincorporated trust arrangements.

For more information on who is covered by the state system visit the Which system of employment law applies page.

As part of the campaign, industrial inspectors from Private Sector Labour Relations will be auditing businesses to ensure that employees are receiving their correct entitlements and proper records are being kept.

This page provides an overview of employment obligations for hairdressing industry employers to assist all employers in the industry.

Key employment obligations for hairdressing industry employers

Business owners in the hairdressing industry who are in the state industrial relations system may be covered by a WA award which sets minimum rates of pay for relevant workers. A number of WA awards apply to this industry based on the type of work done by the employees. Employers and employees in the hairdressing industry may be covered by:

  • the Hairdressers Award (hairdressers);
  • the Clerks (Commercial Social and Professional Services) Award (clerical/reception);
  • the Cleaners and Caretakers Award (cleaning as primary role).

Some employees working in the hairdressing industry may be award-free, and the minimum pay rates under the Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993 will apply to workers not covered by a state award. These employees are predominately beauticians that work within hair and beauty salons. 

It is unlawful for employers to pay employees less than the rate of pay outlined in a relevant WA Award that applies to their business, or Minimum Conditions of Employment Act if the employee is award free.

The exact minimum pay rates and leave entitlements for workers in the hairdressing industry are dependent on whether a WA award covers the employees working in the business, and which WA award. 

Information on WA award pay rates and entitlements is on the WA award summaries page. The minimum pay rates is on the Minimum pay rates and entitlements for award free employees summary page.

Please contact Wageline on 1300 655 266 to confirm award coverage.

Record keeping obligations

All state system employers are legally required to keep employment records. 

There are potential penalties for employers for not keeping employment records or for keeping inadequate or fraudulent records.

Visit the Employment records – employer obligations page for details on record keeping requirements.  

If I have questions about my employment obligations such as pay rates and leave who should I contact?

State system employers should view information on pay rates on this website or call Wageline on 1300 655 266.

Other employment obligations

The hairdressing industry has a range of other employment obligations - find out where you can get help with these.

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