

‘Exercising more’ is a popular New Year’s resolution, so if you’re thinking about signing-up to a gym or fitness class in 2022, it’s worth knowing that things might be a little different to the last time you joined. This is because six months ago, on 1 July 2021, the rules governing WA’s fitness industry changed to provide better protection for consumers and to capture a wider range of providers...
Consumer Protection
Media release
04 Jan 2022
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today it is likely motorists will have to wait for two weeks before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 29 December 2021), the average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 30 cents...
Consumer Protection
Media release
28 Dec 2021
Alwyn Healy banned permanently from retail sales in the WA aircon industry Supreme Court finds he breached an enforceable undertaking signed in 2015 Compensation order to repay $10,500 to two recent customers The Supreme Court has made a permanent order for a Tapping salesman to never again be involved in retail air conditioning sales to WA consumers as a result of further legal action taken by...
Consumer Protection
Media release
24 Dec 2021
Christmas is a time when many people want to give back to their community with a donation to charity, but before opening your own wallet it is important to ensure your chosen cause is a legitimate one. So far this year, there have been nearly 800 reports and more than $172,000 in losses across Australia to scammers posing as charitable organisations, according to the Australian Competition and...
Consumer Protection
Media release
23 Dec 2021
An un-staffed Forrestfield petrol station has been named by FuelWatch as the cheapest non-membership petrol outlet in the Perth metropolitan area for 2021. FastFuel 24/7 offered an average price for unleaded petrol (ULP) of 131.8 cents per litre (cpl) during the year with Vibe Morley coming a close second with 132.2 cpl and Liberty Calista third with 134.8 cpl. Costco at Perth Airport is on top...
Consumer Protection
Media release
22 Dec 2021
Tragically, on average one child dies from portable pool-related drowning each year in Australia and other kids need hospital treatment and may be left with severe brain injuries.
Consumer Protection
Media release
20 Dec 2021
The McGowan Government has released exposure drafts of regulations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 ahead of the commencement of major work health and safety (WHS) reforms in March 2022. Releasing the exposure drafts of the supporting regulations provides all participants in Western Australian workplaces the opportunity to prepare themselves to meet the requirements of the new Act and to...
20 Dec 2021
Electric scooters and skateboards will likely appear on many Christmas wish-lists this year, given the growing popularity of these eRideable devices and others like them in recent years. To avoid disappointment when shopping for eRideables, it is important to be across the new rules that are now in effect covering how they can be used. One of the key changes implemented by the Road Safety...
Consumer Protection
Media release
16 Dec 2021
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today it is likely motorists will have to wait for two weeks before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle.
Consumer Protection
Media release
14 Dec 2021
Roof restorer ignored Building Commissioner’s order to rectify defects in Falcon Matter went to trial due to claims of ‘reasonable excuse’ for non-compliance Guilty verdict, $2,000 fine and $1,500 in costs A Mandurah roof restorer has been ordered to pay $3,500 in fines and costs after a court found he did not have a valid reason for disregarding an official order to fix defects. On 6 December at...
Building and Energy
Media release
14 Dec 2021


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