

Penny auctions or bidding fee auction sites are a relatively new form of online buying. Participants enter an online auction to purchase heavily discounted goods and services, paying a non-refundable fee for every bid. The price rises with each bid as participants try to purchase the discounted...
Buying online
Examples of an 'international trader' would be a Hong Kong business selling watches on eBay, or Amazon selling books or DVDs where the business is located in another country. If you bought your item from a private individual seller, view information on buying from a private seller . When buying...
Buying online
Australian businesses and companies which trade online can include: department stores and supermarkets; an individual who has a registered business or company; or an individual selling items through an online platform, such as eBay, who: lists an ABN or company name in their advertising, has a high...
Buying online
Gift cards or vouchers can be the ideal gift but it is essential for the buyer, recipient and trader to understand the terms and conditions. Gift card checklist Check the expiry date on your gift card carefully, as those supplied before 1 November 2019 are not required to be honoured past the...
Lay-by and gift vouchers
If a product turns out to be defective, you may be entitled to a repair, replacement or refund (depending on whether the problem is major or cannot be fixed). This applies regardless of whether the product is still under warranty. Example: Danny buys a plasma TV for $6,000. It stops working after...
Warranties and guarantees
An extended warranty is when you choose to pay extra for a warranty which extends for a set period beyond the end of the manufacturer’s warranty. When a store offers you an extended warranty they should explain clearly what it provides, over and above the rights you already have (such as the right...
Warranties and guarantees
Express warranties are any extra verbal or written promises made by the store or the manufacturer about the quality, performance or features of the product. Example: When Maryanne buys a deck chair, the store and packaging states the chair can hold up to 100 kilos. This is an express warranty, as...
Warranties and guarantees
A warranty against defects is given by the manufacturer – it is commonly known as a 'manufacturer’s warranty'. It says when you are entitled to a repair, replacement, refund or something else if the product has defects. These are additional to your legal rights to a refund, repair or replacement...
Warranties and guarantees
When goods fail to meet a consumer guarantee , you have the right to a ‘ remedy ’ – an attempt to put the situation right. Common remedies include repair, replacement, or refund , and can involve action for compensation or damages . Store (supplier) The supplier has to provide the remedy when goods...
Warranties and guarantees
You automatically get consumer guarantees from the person or business when you buy, lease or hire their goods, or buy their services under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). This is different to a warranty, which is a voluntary promise offered by the person or business who sold the goods or service...
Warranties and guarantees



In Western Australia building work is required to comply with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA). The BCA is a performance based document that provides minimum technical...
Building and Energy
Fact sheet
31 Jul 2019
Please note, this publication is currently under review. A new version will be published shortly. This guide will help you understand the process for obtaining approval to build and occupy a building...
Building and Energy
Guide / handbook
23 Jun 2020
Publication last updated August 2023 If Consumer Protection is unable to help you resolve your complaint, the State Administrative Tribunal may be able to assist you. Consumer Protection operates a...
Consumer Protection
Fact sheet
16 Aug 2023
This fact sheet provides general information about the building approvals process for your new swimming pool or spa and its safety barrier. In Western Australia, private swimming pools and spas with...
Building and Energy
Fact sheet
22 Jan 2019
The department's annual report for 2014 - 2015 presents information on its statutory compliance, financial, non-financial and operational performance, in accordance with the requirements of the...
30 Sep 2015
Energy Safety carried out an investigation into the bushfire at Yallingup and found that a 22kV Cable Head Termination on a Western Power concrete pole failed as a result of the cable’s paper...
Building and Energy
19 Jul 2019
The purpose of this industry bulletin is to advise permit authorities that the Building Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2015 were published in the Government Gazette on 30 June 2015 and came into...
Building and Energy
11 Sep 2015
Make sure you use a licensed gas fitter whenever you have gasfitting work done. Is your gasfitter licensed? Make sure you use a licensed gas fitter whenever you have gasfitting work done. In Western...
Building and Energy
13 Aug 2019



Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today, motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 10 May 2023), the average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 25 cents per litre (cpl) to...
Consumer Protection
Media release
09 May 2023
Progress payments sought when applicable building stages not complete Non-compliant contract variations to secure additional funds Caution issued by the Building Services Board Consumers are reminded that progress payments under home building work contracts should only be made for services or materials already provided. The advice follows a caution issued by the Building Services Board to Bunbury...
Building and Energy
Media release
03 May 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 3 May 2023), the average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 24 cents per litre (cpl) to...
Consumer Protection
Media release
02 May 2023
Mother’s Day online shoppers warned to be on alert for fake websites and scams Consumers urged to know their rights if gifts are faulty or they’ve been misled A reminder that gift cards now have a three-year minimum expiry limit Consumer Protection is encouraging shoppers to be diligent when looking for Mother’s Day gifts, particularly online. Consumers who increasingly rely on internet shopping...
Consumer Protection
Media release
02 May 2023
New funeral pricing laws will now be enforced, with businesses warned to comply Providers to give a breakdown of costs and a total price before a funeral is held Measures designed to stop questionable sales practices and prevent overcharging From today, funeral companies in Western Australia will face enforcement action if they fail to comply with new pricing laws introduced by the McGowan...
Consumer Protection
Media release
01 May 2023
Next time you spot a bill in the letterbox, it could be worth looking into whether you’re being charged extra to receive this correspondence in the mail and how you might avoid paying the fee if so. A growing number of service providers now charge a fee to cover the costs of printing and posting your bill. That list recently expanded to include Telstra, which reportedly cited ‘environmental...
Consumer Protection
Media release
27 Apr 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 26 April 2023), the average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 22 cents per litre (cpl)...
Consumer Protection
Media release
25 Apr 2023
Updated guidance on management of high-voltage electrical installations Publication issued by Building & Energy and endorsed by WorkSafe Revised version aligns with current regulations including new WHS Act Owners and managers of premises with high-voltage electrical installations can now access updated guidance from WA’s energy and workplace safety regulators. Facilities such as large...
Building and Energy
Media release
24 Apr 2023
Scammers have been pretending to call or text from financial institutions for years, but it’s the latest twist on these banking impersonation scams that should have all consumers on high alert. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) raised the alarm after reports to Scamwatch indicated new technology was being used to make scam calls look like they were coming from the bank’s...
Consumer Protection
Media release
20 Apr 2023
Repairer takes payments from vehicle owners with little work carried out Three Perth consumers left out of pocket and their vehicles unusable Case highlights the dangers to consumers of paying too much money upfront A Port Kennedy vehicle repairer has been ordered by the Perth Magistrates Court to pay $48,492.59 in fines, compensation and costs after accepting payments from consumers but failing...
Consumer Protection
Media release
20 Apr 2023


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