Business / company


Whether you have to provide a refund, repair, replacement or compensation to a consumer for problems with goods or services depends on whether you have met consumer guarantees set by Australian law. You are responsible for understanding your legal obligations. Australia’s consumer protection...
Guarantees and warranties
The Motor Vehicle Repairers Act 2003 (the Act) imposes serious obligations on licensed repair business operators and the way they operate their business. Failing to meet those obligations can result in the Department issuing an infringement notice, prosecuting offending licence holders before a...
Motor vehicle repairers
Every business in the motor repair and servicing industry requires a repair business licence. Vehicle and parts manufacturers are exempt if they do not actually repair vehicles. If you manufacture parts but do not fit them to a vehicle you will not require a licence. The question you must ask...
Motor vehicle repairers
Motor vehicle repair businesses must operate from approved premises (including mobile premises). If a repair business operates from multiple premises, each additional premises must also be approved. Fixed premises The Motor Vehicle Repairers Act 2003 requires each applicant for a motor vehicle...
Motor vehicle repairers
A motor vehicle repair business licence is required if you are an owner of a motor vehicle repair business, a self-employed motor vehicle repairer or operate a mobile repair business. Before your licence can be approved by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection, you must be a certified repairer...
Motor vehicle repairers
Under the Motor Vehicle Repairers Act, motor vehicle repair businesses are required to hold a business licence but they are no longer required to hold separate or additional licenses for each and every class of motor vehicle repairs. A repair business must ensure repair work is only carried out by...
Motor vehicle repairers
Multiple pricing occurs when a supplier displays more than one price for the same item or service. If a supplier displays the same item with more than one price then they must sell it for the lowest displayed price or withdraw the item until the price is corrected. A price published in a catalogue...
Consumer Protection often receives complaints about incorrect rounding of prices by retail and fast food outlets. There are rules in place for businesses when it comes to dealing with small change transactions and we’d like to hear from customers who believe those rules are being broken. In...
Country of origin labelling is a notice or label on products to let your customers know what country a product came from. In Australia misleading country of origin labelling is prohibited. If you sell food in retail stores in Australia, country of origin food labelling laws apply to your products...
Advertising and promotion
Unconscionable conduct is a statement or action so unreasonable it defies good conscience. A business must not act unconscionably when: selling or supplying goods and services to a consumer; or supplying or acquiring goods and services to or from a small business. Examples of unconscionable conduct...
Advertising and promotion



With their ornate design and intricate mosaic patterns, it’s hardly surprising that Turkish-style lamps are a popular decorative feature in many Western Australian homes. But just because they are beautiful, it’s important to remember that lamps are an electrical item that can pose a serious safety risk if they haven’t been approved for sale in Australia. Our colleagues at Building and Energy –...
Consumer Protection
Media release
03 Sep 2020
Regional Express Airlines Limited (Rex) has agreed to review its refund policies and procedures to ensure ongoing compliance with the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) when flights are cancelled or delayed, as part of an enforceable undertaking agreed between Consumer Protection and Rex. The airline has agreed to modify some terms and conditions on its website that had the potential to mislead...
Consumer Protection
Media release
03 Sep 2020
The average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) is set to increase by 29 cents per litre (cpl) to 133.9 cpl tomorrow, so FuelWatch is encouraging Perth drivers, if they can, to fill up today to save money. FuelWatch advises that on Wednesday 2 September 2020, most branded retailers are hiking their ULP price: Caltex Woolworths and Coles Express hiking by 41-43 cpl up to 145.9 cpl; BP up to 144...
Consumer Protection
Media release
01 Sep 2020
The average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) is set to increase by around 30 cents per litre (cpl) to 134.5 cpl tomorrow, so FuelWatch is encouraging Perth drivers, if they can, to fill up today to save money. FuelWatch advises that on Wednesday 26 August 2020, most branded retailers are hiking their ULP price: Caltex and Coles Express hiking by 41-42 cpl up to 145.9 cpl; Caltex Woolworths...
Consumer Protection
Media release
25 Aug 2020
The way we shop may have changed forever following the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Life in lockdown meant cash transactions plummeted in favour of a number of contactless payment methods, including buy-now, pay-later schemes. Often described as the ‘modern-day lay-by’, buy-now, pay-later arrangements allow you to receive goods and then pay off the amount in instalments further down the track...
Consumer Protection
Media release
20 Aug 2020
The average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) is set to increase by over 28 cents per litre (cpl) to 132.9 cpl tomorrow, so FuelWatch is encouraging Perth drivers, if they can, to fill up today to save money. FuelWatch advises that on Wednesday 19 August 2020, branded retailers are hiking their ULP price: Coles Express hiking by up to 41 cpl up to 145.9 cpl; Caltex and Caltex Woolworths up...
Consumer Protection
Media release
18 Aug 2020
Consumers seeking the services of a patio installer are warned to beware of a man who advertises via Facebook Marketplace. Nicholas (Nick) Kay of Forrestdale, trading as Better Priced Patios (unregistered) , has taken deposits totalling $18,120 from eight people since October 2019 for the construction of seven patios and a carport, but has failed to carry out the work or provide any refunds. The...
Consumer Protection
Media release
13 Aug 2020
The average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) is set to increase by over 28 cents per litre (cpl) to 132.6 cpl tomorrow, so FuelWatch is encouraging Perth drivers, if they can, to fill up today to save money. FuelWatch advises that on Wednesday 12 August 2020, most branded retailers are hiking their ULP price: Caltex Woolworths and Coles Express hiking by between 40 and 42 cpl up to 143.9...
Consumer Protection
Media release
11 Aug 2020
Consumer Protection has launched a period of community and industry consultation with the view of determining whether the regulation of tow truck businesses and those working in the tow truck industry in WA is required. This consultation is prompted by community concerns about the conduct of some tow truck operators and reports of unscrupulous tactics being used to gain business from consumers...
Consumer Protection
Media release
11 Aug 2020
Live stream scammers have targeted the Western Australian Consumer Protection Awards virtual event on Facebook prompting a warning from the consumer watchdog’s fraud prevention section WA ScamNet. Due to COVID-19, the Consumer Protection Awards March 2020 in-person event was postponed and then cancelled, leading to a virtual Awards ceremony for the first time. Commissioner Lanie Chopping says...
Consumer Protection
Media release
06 Aug 2020


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