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Park operators must organise and maintain a park liaison committee (PLC) if the park has 20 or more long-stay sites and the majority of the long-stay tenants in the park vote to form a PLC, under the Residential Parks (Long-stay Tenants) Act 2006 (Parks Act). Penalties apply for not meeting this condition. A PLC is not expected or required to become an incorporated association.
The park is not required to have a PLC if the land where the residential park is located is subdivided by a strata titles scheme under the Strata Titles Act 1985, or a community scheme under the Community Titles Act 2018.
A PLC consists of one or more long-stay tenants of the residential park chosen by the other long-stay tenants to represent their interests and one or more representatives of the park operator. The PLC must include more tenant representatives than park operator representatives.
For parks with 100 or fewer long-stay sites, the maximum number of tenant representatives on the PLC is five tenants. For residential parks with more than 100 long-stay sites, the maximum number of tenant representatives is eight tenants.
The PLC’s purposeis to assist the park operator to maintain and improve the lifestyle and wellbeing of park residents.
A park operator is required to consult with, and seek advice from, the PLC about the:
The PLC can also assist with ensuring tenants follow the park rules, as well as resolving disputes between tenants, or and between tenants and the park operator.
The park operator is responsible for managing the business of the park within the Parks Act, the regulations and any other law which may apply.
The PLC cannot exercise authority over the tenants or the park operator.
After their election, as the tenant representatives and appointment as park operator representatives, the members of the PLC need to develop and agree a set of operating procedures. The park laws do not prescribe the manner in which a PLC will conduct its affairs.
Setting up and running a PLC does not need to be complicated, however there are some things that need to be done, the following information may assist you:
It is worth noting laws relating to PLCs are covered in the Residential Parks (Long-stay Tenants) Amendment Regulations 2021 (Regulations).
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