How do I register my plant design?

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Schedule 5 Division 1 of the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022  lists the items of plant requiring registration of design.

To register plant design you will need to complete and submit a Registration of or alteration to a plant design form, including any additional information required in support of the application.

Who can apply to register a plant design?

An applicant may be:

  • a person conducting a business or undertaking that designs an item of plant
  • a person with management or control of an item of plant.

Note: The reduced fee for mining applications only apply to the mine operator and plant used exclusively on a mine site. 

You need to provide the following when submitting an application online.

  • The completed and signed Form 200 - Registration of plant sesign or Alteration to Plant Design 
  • Representational drawing(s) of the plant design must be submitted with the application. The drawing must be in the English language and is capable of being electronically stored.
  • If engineering principles were used in the design, details of these principles must be submitted with this application.
  • Any other relevant information that may support the application.
  • Contact details of payment card holder (if different to applicant).

What happens after I submit an application for design or alteration to design application?

Online application submissions will receive a confirmation, lodgement ID, and tax invoice via email.

Further information

Regulation 250 of the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulation 2022 details the requirements for making an application to register a plant design.  Schedule 5 Division 1 of the Regulations lists the items of plant for which design registration is required.

You may also wish to refer to the design registration section of Registration of plant design and items of plant FAQs

Registration of design form


Refer to WorkSafe Licensing fees for applicable fees

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