Registration of plant design or alteration to plant design - Form 200

This publication is for: 
Employee / workerEmployer

The preferred lodgement method for Form 200 submissions is through the online form.

Step 1

Download and complete the PDF form:  Form 200 - Registration of plant design or alteration to plant design 

Step 2

Upload your completed PDF form along with all relevant documents, and pay for your application via the link below:

Submit your application online Click here to submit and pay for your application online

Did you know?

  • If you submit your application online you can pay instantly using credit/debit card.
  • Online applications receive a confirmation, lodgement ID & tax invoice via email.

Unable to fill out the online form? Complete Form 200 - Registration of plant design or alteration to plant design  and submit via email to The Plant Registration team will contact you at a later date for payment.”

Form – registration
Last updated 14 Aug 2024

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