Property industry


The lessor is responsible for the property having a minimum level of security in place. The minimum security relates to door locks, window locks and exterior lights. The security required is specified in the Residential Tenancies Regulations 1989. All rental properties must be in line with the...
Security, safety, maintenance and entry rights
We all have the right to enjoy our home. Quiet enjoyment is the right for both you and your neighbour/s to occupy, use and enjoy your homes in reasonable privacy without interruption. Overall, your lessor (landlord) or property manager shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying your property in complete...
Security, safety, maintenance and entry rights
The tenant should notify the landlord in writing about any non urgent repairs, detailing what needs to be repaired. The landlord does not have to fix items if they are items that were disclosed as not working before the tenancy agreement was entered into, or they are items which the tenant could...
Security, safety, maintenance and entry rights
Urgent repairs fall into two categories: essential services and other urgent repairs. A suitable repairer must be found within a reasonable timeframe. There are some times when a tenant may need to arrange for the repairer. What some urgent repairs Essential services Essential services are listed...
Security, safety, maintenance and entry rights
Three information videos are available to help you understand the tenancy laws in WA. Part one: Getting started Part two: Moving in Part three: Ending a tenancy Are you a tenant in a family and domestic violence situation and need some assistance? Find out more about your options to leave or stay...
Renting tools
Arrive for court before the listed hearing time. Let the court orderly located in the courtroom know you are there and follow their direction for where you are to wait. A hearing can proceed without you if you do not show up or if the orderly does not know you are there. There may be other matters...
Having problems with renting a home?
Obvious maintenance and repair issues should be noted in the property condition report which is required to be completed by the landlord/lessor when the tenant moves into and out of the property. Tenants must keep the property reasonably clean and are expected to hand it back in a similar condition...
Security, safety, maintenance and entry rights
If the case is listed for trial, the magistrate or registrar will make programming orders beforehand. Programming orders indicate what you need to do to prepare for trial, such as writing and filing a witness statement. Failure to comply with any programming orders may prevent you from presenting...
Having problems with renting a home?
You should understand the section(s) of the Act your case relates to. You should read the Act or seek general advice from the department. You can can seek private legal advice. Some tenants can also obtain legal advice from a Community Legal Centre . Dedicate sufficient time to the preparation of...
Having problems with renting a home?
All applications to the Magistrates Court must be made online using the Electronic Document Lodgement Service. Supporting documents must also be submitted electronically before the court date via the eCourts Portal (eCourts). An exemption to this rule can sometimes be obtained by contacting the...
Having problems with renting a home?



The Western Australian strategy and framework for the prevention and management of work-related musculoskeletal disorders are intended as useful resources for stakeholders who can influence...
11 Feb 2020
30 January 2020 Pool safety - it's everyone's responsibility When a property has a pool or portable pool it’s important to ensure full compliance with safety requirements to prevent drowning deaths...
Consumer Protection
17 Feb 2020
29 January 2020 Reminder - 2019 audit report deadline approaching! All agents who hold a current triennial certificate and have held or received monies in trust during the 2019 calendar year must...
Consumer Protection
29 Jan 2020
THIS DOCUMENT IS NO LONGER CURRENT AND IS AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE FOR HISTORICAL PURPOSES ONLY. The public comment period on the Work Health and Safety Regulations for Western Australia closed on 26...
12 Nov 2021
Fact sheets grouped for easy downloading We have combined all 15 fact sheets into one document to make downloading more convenient. Topics include: Before the tenancy Tenancy applications Landlord...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
13 Jan 2020
24 December 2019 Changes have been made to the Settlement Agents Act 1981 (the Act), which will come into effect on 1 January 2020. This bulletin provides a brief overview of the more significant...
Consumer Protection
08 Jan 2020
24 December 2019 A Bill was passed by the Parliament in September 2019 which amends parts of the Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 (the REBA Act) from 1 January 2020. This bulletin provides a...
Consumer Protection
02 Jan 2020
23 December 2019 New Residential tenancy laws The Consumer Protection Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 passed through parliament recently, bringing changes to the REBA Act and residential tenancy laws...
Consumer Protection
09 Jan 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. This public consultation discussion paper follows the tenancy life cycle and explores potential issues that may arise at each...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
24 May 2023
16 December 2019 New Residential tenancy laws The Consumer Protection Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 passed through parliament recently, bringing changes to residential tenancy laws that enhance and...
Consumer Protection
17 Dec 2019


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