Landlord / lessor


We all have the right to enjoy our home. Quiet enjoyment is the right for both you and your neighbour/s to occupy, use and enjoy your homes in reasonable privacy without interruption. Overall, your lessor (landlord) or property manager shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying your property in complete...
Security, safety, maintenance and entry rights
Three information videos are available to help you understand the tenancy laws in WA. Part one: Getting started Part two: Moving in Part three: Ending a tenancy Are you a tenant in a family and domestic violence situation and need some assistance? Find out more about your options to leave or stay...
Renting tools
Arrive for court before the listed hearing time. Let the court orderly located in the courtroom know you are there and follow their direction for where you are to wait. A hearing can proceed without you if you do not show up or if the orderly does not know you are there. There may be other matters...
Having problems with renting a home?
Obvious maintenance and repair issues should be noted in the property condition report which is required to be completed by the landlord/lessor when the tenant moves into and out of the property. Tenants must keep the property reasonably clean and are expected to hand it back in a similar condition...
Security, safety, maintenance and entry rights
If the case is listed for trial, the magistrate or registrar will make programming orders beforehand. Programming orders indicate what you need to do to prepare for trial, such as writing and filing a witness statement. Failure to comply with any programming orders may prevent you from presenting...
Having problems with renting a home?
You should understand the section(s) of the Act your case relates to. You should read the Act or seek general advice from the department. You can can seek private legal advice. Some tenants can also obtain legal advice from a Community Legal Centre . Dedicate sufficient time to the preparation of...
Having problems with renting a home?
All applications to the Magistrates Court must be made online using the Electronic Document Lodgement Service. Supporting documents must also be submitted electronically before the court date via the eCourts Portal (eCourts). An exemption to this rule can sometimes be obtained by contacting the...
Having problems with renting a home?
A glossary for residential tenancies Assign the premises : To transfer rights to occupy the premises and associated responsibilities to another person. Bond: Money paid by the tenant and held by the Bond Administrator as security against damage to the premises. Breach of agreement: The breaking of...
Renting tools
As a lessor/landlord or tenant you will need to know your rights and responsibilities. The following publications and forms provide you with all the information you need to help you manage your tenancy. Forms and publications Forms and notices Notices and forms Please also refer to our Counting...
Renting tools
If disputes about rental property issues cannot be resolved privately or by using Consumer Protection’s free conciliation service, you may need to apply for an order from the Magistrates Court of Western Australia (Magistrates Court). It is important for all parties to keep detailed records...
Having problems with renting a home?



Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Does the law about keeping pets in rental premises need to be changed? Possible options Allow a landlord to refuse only where...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
29 November 2019 In this issue: Update to family and domestic violence regulations Update to family and domestic violence regulations From 12 October 2019 the regulations to the Residential Tenancies...
Consumer Protection
29 Nov 2019
Flowchart last updated 19 April 2024 A tenant can use this flowchart to assist with proper notification and date counting when they wish to request permission from the lessor to affix furniture to a...
Consumer Protection
19 Apr 2024
When to use this form This form is for a tenant to give to a lessor to request permission to affix furniture to a wall in the rental property for the purpose of ensuring the safety of a child or a...
Consumer Protection
Form – notification
04 Dec 2023
31 October 2019 Uninhabitable tenancy complaints on the rise Consumer Protection has recently received a high number of complaints regarding unacceptable living conditions in rental properties, many...
Consumer Protection
31 Oct 2019
21 August 2019 In this issue: Clarifying family and domestic violence tenancy law concerns • Serving notice to co-tenants • Storing keys and documents • Managing tradespeople • When a perpetrator...
Consumer Protection
21 Aug 2019
30 July 2019 How a mortgagee repossession would affect your tenants If you have failed to keep up with the mortgage payments for your rental property, the mortgagee (the bank, credit union etc.) may...
Consumer Protection
30 Jul 2019
New family and domestic violence tenancy resources Flowcharts for landlords and tenants When a tenant wants to leave a rented property due to family and domestic violence there are certain procedures...
Consumer Protection
04 Jul 2019
Flowchart last updated 17 July 2020 A co-tenant can use this flowchart to understand procedures and assist with notification and date counting when their co-tenant is leaving due to family and...
Consumer Protection
17 Jul 2020
Flowchart last updated 17 July 2020 A tenant can use this flowchart to assist with proper notification and date counting when they wish to leave their tenancy early due to family and domestic...
Consumer Protection
17 Jul 2020



The McGowan Government has created a free conciliation service to assist renters and landlords reach agreement about coronavirus (COVID-19) related tenancy disputes, without having to go to court. The aim of the Residential Tenancies Mandatory Conciliation Service (RTMCS) is for all sides to reach a fair and achievable solution through informal discussion. Unlike court where a decision is imposed...
Consumer Protection
Media release
18 May 2020
If you’re a tenant who’s lost their job in the coronavirus crunch, you may be wondering how to afford what’s likely the household’s biggest weekly expense – the rent. To relieve some of the burden, the State Government has announced a $30 million residential rental relief scheme, which will see payments equivalent of four weeks’ rent up to a maximum of $2000 granted to landlords on behalf of...
Consumer Protection
Media release
07 May 2020
COVID-19 rent grant updates See the latest announcement on the Residential Rent Relief Grant Scheme for current eligibility and application details. More than 18,000 people have wanted to know how WA’s new rent relief scheme works, with hundreds having started their application, hoping for a grant covering four weeks’ rent up to $2,000. The State Government’s $30 million Residential Rent Relief...
Consumer Protection
Media release
05 May 2020
Keeping a roof over everyone’s head has never been more important as thousands of people suffer job losses due to the economic fall-out of COVID-19 coronavirus restrictions. New laws are now in place to ensure renters can stay in their homes and businesses won’t have to leave their premises, while recognising that landlords shouldn’t be unnecessarily burdened. The emergency residential tenancy...
Consumer Protection
Media release
30 Apr 2020
A Caversham real estate agency and its property manager have been fined a total of $12,000 by the State Administrative Tribunal for overcharging eight owners of Pilbara rental properties 132 times. Arcturus Nominees Pty Ltd , trading as Polaris Realty , was fined $8,000 and property manager Robyn Dale Staggard was fined $4,000 for failing to exercise due care, diligence and skill, breaching the...
Consumer Protection
Media release
30 Apr 2020
New laws introduced by the McGowan Government to establish a six-month moratorium on evictions for certain commercial tenancies in Western Australia and establish a mandatory code of conduct to assist with negotiations between landlords and tenants have now passed the WA Parliament. The aim of the legislation is to help small commercial tenants that are now in financial distress to survive the...
Consumer Protection
Media release
21 Apr 2020
Urgent legislation to implement a range of measures to minimise financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on tenants and landlords of both commercial and residential tenancies will be introduced into State Parliament this week. The Commercial Tenancies (COVID-19 Response) Bill 2020 will introduce a moratorium on evictions for small commercial tenancies and provide a range of other measures to...
Consumer Protection
Media release
14 Apr 2020
WA tenants are being urged by Consumer Protection to continue to pay their rent unless they are genuinely experiencing severe financial hardship. Landlords and agents are also encouraged to show compassion and to negotiate with tenants who may have lost their employment as a result of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The agency has receive a number of calls from concerned landlords who claim...
Consumer Protection
Media release
05 Apr 2020
While the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic is changing rapidly, we remain focussed on delivering our services while adhering to advice from Government to protect the health and safety of our staff and the wider community. The department is planning for a range of scenarios and endeavouring to ensure continuity of service. A number of functions can be performed remotely or by using our online...
Department News
23 Mar 2020
Under OSH legislation, employers are required to provide and maintain, as far as is practicable, a working environment in which their workers are not exposed to health risks. This includes situations where employees and contractors may be at risk of contracting viruses such as the COVID-19 coronavirus. Employers need to keep up to date with the latest health warnings from the Australian and WA...
10 Mar 2020


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