Health and safety representative


Harassment is inappropriate and unreasonable behaviour which can involve physical, verbal and visual conduct including: material that is displayed in the workplace, for example, on a noticeboard material put on a computer, sent by email, SMS or put on a website, blog or on social networking verbal...
Violence and aggression
Computer use is considered a manual task. Computer work can expose workers to prolonged awkward postures, sustained postures and repetitive movement. To minimise these risks, adequate breaks must be taken, tasks must be rotated, and good workstation design, layout, and adjustable equipment must be...
Manual tasks
Injuries from performing manual tasks at work are a significant burden for the Western Australian Mining Industry. Reducing the extent and severity of such injuries is beneficial to all industry stakeholders. It is imperative that the risk management process be effectively implemented at the...
Manual tasks
How can I comply with the work health and safety laws? Under the Work Health and Safety and Regulations 2022 (WHS Regulations), duty holders will be required to manage the risk of falls at workplaces, as prescribed by the following regulations: Regulation 78 Management of risk of fall Regulations...
Working at height
Our collection of powerpoint presentations are available to use in your workplace or to revisit a workshop you attended. Mining Applying Professor Quinlan's Ten pathways to death and disaster in WA's mining industry WorkSafe Mines Safety and Professor Michael Quinlan, author of Ten Pathways to...
Toolbox presentations
The Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 (WHS Regulations) prescribe that an application for an asbestos removal licence must include the nomination of at least one supervisor (WHS Regulation 498). The supervisor(s) must be at least 18 years of age and be able to provide evidence of...
Manage your existing asbestos removal licence
See the application guide to find about how to apply for a high risk work licence. Application for high risk work licence: Application guide Pro tips for a successful HRWL application To ensure a successful application, please follow these simple steps: make sure your Notice of Assessment (NOA) is...
High risk work licence application
During October each year, WorkSafe asks PCBUs and workers to join us in raising work health and safety awareness for National Safe Work Month. The theme for 2023 was “ Our way forward: Prioritising healthy and safe workplaces ”. This theme aligns with WorkSafe strategy 2023-25: The Way Forward ...
Safe Work Month
WorkSafe undertakes educational and awareness campaigns to promote work health and safety in workplaces throughout the year. Campaigns can range from large scale public awareness efforts which might be seen on video streamlining, radio, outdoor, social media and web, with extensive public relation...
WorkSafe awareness campaigns
To become a high risk work licence accredited assessor, you must submit an application. How to submit your application complete the Application for accreditation to assess high risk work licence collect all of your supporting documents, lodge and pay for your application in one of three ways:...
High risk work licence assessor accreditation



WorkSafe Mines Safety recognises that reporting an incident of sexual assault or sexual harassment can be a confronting and traumatic experience. This guidance is designed to provide you with...
31 Jul 2023
This report provides the findings of a Roadshow run by the WorkSafe Group (WorkSafe) of the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) to explore existing practices for...
04 Dec 2023
If you wish to apply for a new high risk work licence, you will be required to submit this form.
Form – application
23 May 2024
Use this application form to apply for one or more classes of high risk work to be added to your existing WA licence.
Form – application
23 May 2024
WorkSafe’s investigation is ongoing. Information contained in this significant incident summary is based on evidence at the time of writing. WorkSafe is investigating an incident, which resulted in a...
04 Dec 2023
WorkSafe Mines Safety has conducted a review of mine inspection reports, including traffic management audits and incident factors, from 2019–2022. These identified a number of common issues that may...
04 Dec 2023
WorkSafe has recently investigated a number of incidents that involved mobile cranes making contact with live overhead power lines, especially on rural and agricultural properties. These incidents...
19 May 2023
This checklist has been developed to help minimise the risks to workers that may be exposed to zoonoses at work.
15 Mar 2023
This checklist has been developed to help minimise the risks to workers that may be exposed to zoonoses at work. Zoonoses are diseases of animals that can cause serious illness or death in people...
15 Mar 2023
Use this form to renew your Class A asbestos removal li cence.
Form – application
12 Dec 2023



Wednesday 28 April 2021 is World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Worker's Memorial Day. This day provides us an opportunity not only to raise awareness of safety and health in workplaces but to remember those who have died from a work-related injury or illness. The International Labour Organisation annually sets a theme for the day. This year's theme is Anticipate, prepare and respond to...
23 Apr 2021
Amendments to the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996, relating to health surveillance for workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica will come into effect on 15 April 2021. The amendments will require employers to provide a low-dose HRCT scan, supervised by an appointed medical practitioner, instead of the previously required chest X-ray. Western Australia is the first...
18 Jan 2021
Asbestos Awareness Week 2020 runs from 23-29 November 2020. Please take this opportunity to ensure your workplace asbestos management systems are up to date, and that workers are aware of these systems. And remember – buildings built before 1990 are likely to contain materials with asbestos content. Follow the links for more information: Asbestos and Silica Safety and Eradication Agency Industry...
06 Nov 2020
Workplace exposure standard for respirable crystalline silica halved to 0.05 milligrams per cubic metre effective today and respirable coal dust halved to 1.5 milligrams per cubic metre effective October 27, 2020 Media statement Silica Guidance about dusts and other airborne contaminants
Department News
27 Oct 2020
The Work Health and Safety Bill 2019 was passed by Parliament on 3 November 2020 and is awaiting royal assent. When assented, the WHS Act will not be operational until regulations are complete. Work to develop the regulations is presently underway and will continue in 2021. The new Work Health and Safety Act 2019 (WHS Act) will replace the current Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984, and...
22 Oct 2020
As many businesses prepare to reopen, WA’s plumbing regulator is urging owners and managers of recently unoccupied buildings to ensure that hot and cold water services are thoroughly flushed before use to clear potentially hazardous stagnation. Building and Energy is supporting an advisory note issued by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB), which warns that water quality could change if it...
Building and Energy
Media release
21 May 2020
While the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic is changing rapidly, we remain focussed on delivering our services while adhering to advice from Government to protect the health and safety of our staff and the wider community. The department is planning for a range of scenarios and endeavouring to ensure continuity of service. A number of functions can be performed remotely or by using our online...
Department News
23 Mar 2020
Under OSH legislation, employers are required to provide and maintain, as far as is practicable, a working environment in which their workers are not exposed to health risks. This includes situations where employees and contractors may be at risk of contracting viruses such as the COVID-19 coronavirus. Employers need to keep up to date with the latest health warnings from the Australian and WA...
10 Mar 2020
On Thursday 20 February, the Work Health and Safety Bill 2019 passed through the Legislative Assembly of the Western Australian Parliament. The Hon Bill Johnston MLA, Minister for Mines and Petroleum and Industrial Relations said: “I am pleased that the Work Health and Safety Bill has now passed the Legislative Assembly. “The McGowan Government recognises the importance of these reforms and hopes...
Department News
25 Feb 2020
Our offices will be closed from Wednesday 25 December 2019 to Wednesday 1 January 2020. Normal services will return on Thursday 2 January 2020. For urgent enquiries please visit our contact page.
Department News
04 Dec 2019


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