

This information is only relevant to employers and employees in the WA state industrial relations system . There are minimum notice periods required for full time and part time employees based on how long the employee has been employed and the employee's age. These notice periods are set out in the...
Public holidays in Western Australia - 2024 to 2026 2024 2025 2026 New Year's Day Monday 1 January Wednesday 1 January Thursday 1 January Australia Day Friday 26 January Monday 27 January Monday 26 January Labour Day Monday 4 March Monday 3 March Monday 2 March Good Friday Friday 29 March Friday 18...
Public holidays
This information is only relevant to employers and employees in the WA state industrial relations system . About this page This page outlines the legal minimum pay rates for adult and junior employees who are 'award free' in the state industrial relations system. Award free means that the employee...
Minimum rates for award free employees
This information is only relevant to employers and employees in the WA state industrial relations system . All state system employers are legally required to keep employment records. Additional record keeping obligations, introduced by the Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act 2021 ,...
Record keeping and pay slip requirements
There are two separate industrial relations systems operating in Western Australia, each with different employment laws, awards and minimum conditions. Employers and employees in Western Australia are covered by either the Western Australian state system or the national fair work system ...
About the WA industrial relations system
Two systems of employment law operate for the private sector in Western Australia: the state industrial relations system ; and the national fair work system . Working out which system covers an employer and its employees is the first step in understanding and complying with employment rights and...
Guide to who is in the WA state system
Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) captures air contaminants at their source. LEV is necessary in circumstances where you are not able to eliminate the hazard, substitute a less hazardous substance, or isolate the process from people, and the contaminant is harmful, toxic or corrosive (such as lead...
Hazardous chemicals
Inspectors have the legal right to enter, at any time, any workplace including aircraft, ships and vehicles where employees work or are likely to be in the course of their work. This right means inspectors have unrestricted access to workplaces, excepting where there is a statutory restriction. On...
Workplace inspections
This page lists resources available on manual tasks Toolkit Hazardous manual tasks - Work Health and Safety Commission Training package Manual tasks training package - Presenters guide Power point presentation (pdf) (ppt) VIDEO: Manual tasks risk management - Running time: 11:32 mins WORKSHEET:...
Manual tasks
Wageline is open on 1300 655 266 between: 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9am to 4.30pm Tuesday Wageline is not open on WA public holidays . Two systems of employment law operate in WA - the state system and the national fair work system. Whether Wageline can answer your...
Stay informed with Wageline



WorkSafe has recently been alerted to High Risk Work Licences being electronically scanned and altered to include additional classes of high risk work. The scanned and altered copies were then sent...
26 Mar 2015
This fact sheet looks at some common myths and facts about asbestos. MYTH: Crayons contain asbestos. This is true for identified brands of crayons but the risk is very low. The risk in these...
14 Sep 2015
WorkSafe is currently conducting an inspection campaign in the scrap metal industry with a view to increase awareness of safety issues faced by your industry and to highlight the importance of...
13 Mar 2015
Small business must provide workers with adequate training, information and instructions to perform and comply with their job role and be aware of their safety responsibilities and requirements. What...
17 Feb 2015
The hazard identification form can be used to document hazards and risks at your workplace. Use one form to document each hazard. Integrate all identified hazards and their control measures into the...
06 Feb 2015
In recent years, a significant number of fatalities and serious injuries in the metal fabrication industries have been caused by poor slinging practices when using overhead travelling cranes to move...
02 Feb 2015
Try this quiz to check whether you have done enough to protect yourself and those within your duty of care. This test covers: General workplace duties Consultation Training and information Monitoring...
05 Feb 2015
A toolbox safety meeting/pre-start talk is a short succinct meeting that can be used as an avenue to convey timely and important safety information to workers and the work team. The session usually...
13 Feb 2015
Workplace safety and health consultation is a two-way process involving the business and workers communicating and co-operating with each other in regards to workplace safety and health issues. The...
19 Feb 2015
For every hazard identified an action plan must be developed and tracked until the hazard is eliminated or adequately controlled. The actions arising from the risk assessment should be recorded on...
19 Feb 2015



Welcome to the first issue of ThinkSafe magazine , the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety’s new flagship online publication for workplace safety and health in Western Australia. The Department is committed to ensuring its resources are allocated to optimise effectiveness and efficiency. This includes looking for new and innovative ways to deliver the services and products we...
Department News
07 Feb 2019
WorkSafe has issued a warning on guarding against the effects of extreme temperatures in work environments during periods of hot weather. WorkSafe WA Commissioner Darren Kavanagh today reminded employers and workers of the need to take extra care during the summer months to avoid the risk of heat stress or the more serious heat stroke. “It’s not just working outside in heatwave conditions, but...
Media release
23 Jan 2019
If you are covered by the state industrial relations system, here is what you need to know about rates of pay for the Australia Day public holiday in 2019. The public holiday for Australia Day in 2019 is Monday 28 January not Saturday 26 January. Saturday 26 January is an ordinary working day and ordinary rates of pay are applicable. Under the Public and Bank Holidays Act 1972 , Australia Day...
Labour Relations
Department News
16 Jan 2019
Wageline has now reopened after the Christmas and New Year period. We are excited to start a new year fresh and ready to help you with your employment queries on state employment law. Wageline deals with queries about: pay rates, leave entitlements and other employment arrangements for employers and employees in the WA state industrial relations system long service leave for employees working in...
Labour Relations
Department News
03 Jan 2019
If you are a hair salon business owner or a hairdresser and you are covered by the state industrial relations system, here is the information you need to know about employee entitlements for the Australia Day public holiday in 2019. Under the Hairdressers Award, Monday 28 January 2019 is the public holiday for Australia Day. Saturday 26 January 2019 is an ordinary working day and ordinary rates...
Labour Relations
Department News
07 Jan 2019
Employers are being reminded of the limitations that apply when employing young people over the school holidays. While the Christmas holidays are the perfect time for teenagers to earn some money, employers looking for help over the busy period need to understand that restrictions apply when employing young people and that they need to comply with their obligations under the Children and...
Labour Relations
Department News
21 Dec 2018
WorkSafe will soon begin an inspection program looking at the issue of violence and aggression in organisations providing community health care services. The program will focus on nursing professionals, health and welfare support workers and personal carers who work in clients’ homes or community settings, and will continue over the next six months in metropolitan and regional areas of the State...
Media release
13 Dec 2018
A crane operator has been fined $4400 (and ordered to pay $4700 in costs) after he overloaded a crane and injured another worker when the crane collapsed. Robert Anthony Hoekzema pleaded guilty to failing to take reasonable care to avoid adversely affecting another person and was fined in the Perth Magistrates Court on Thursday. In June 2015, Mr Hoekzema was employed as a casual crane operator...
Media release
11 Dec 2018
The Wageline Newsletter December edition was sent today to approximately 5,000 subscribers, and has been published on the Wageline website. This edition features information about the upcoming Christmas and New Year public holidays and what employers need to know about their employment obligations over this period, child employment laws and a range of other critical information for state system...
Labour Relations
Department News
10 Dec 2018
WA is now well into cyclone season, and businesses throughout the State have been reminded to ensure that contingency plans have been established and are in operation. WorkSafe WA Commissioner Ian Munns said today it was crucial that everyone on both sea and land knew what to do when there was a cyclone in the area. “Under workplace safety and health laws, employers must have adequate plans in...
Media release
07 Dec 2018


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