

Calculating a long service leave entitlement when employment ends
In 2018, the Western Australian Government passed legislation to increase workplace safety and health offence penalties, under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (OSH Act) and the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 (MSI Act). Level 4 penalties increase from $500,000 to a maximum $2.7...
Legislation, codes and guidance materials
The WA Government announced the Inquiry into Wage Theft in Western Australia in January 2019. The Inquiry was undertaken by Mr Tony Beech, former Chief Commissioner of the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission. The WA Government released the Report of the Inquiry into Wage Theft in...
Inquiry into Wage Theft
Private Sector Labour Relations undertakes proactive compliance campaigns to improve compliance by employers with state employment laws. Our current campaigns and recently completed campaigns are detailed below. Current campaigns Café and restaurant businesses in the state industrial relations...
Proactive compliance campaigns
Personal leave accrues on a weekly basis and can be calculated based on how many weeks an employee has worked: a full time employee accrues 1.461 hours of personal leave for each completed week of work (based on the standard 38 hour week) a part time employee will accrue the relevant proportion of...
Personal leave
The Guide to calculating a nnual leave outlines the steps in calculating an annual leave entitlement based on the provisions in the state Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993. Annual leave accrues on a weekly basis. A full time employee accrues 2.923 hours of annual leave for each completed...
Annual leave
WorkSafe would like to congratulate the winners and finalists of the 2018 Work Safety Awards Western Australia. These awards recognise outstanding OSH management, solutions and innovation in Western Australian workplaces. This year our finalist and winners have not only demonstrated their strong...
Work Safety Awards
Legal actions and related activities summarises enforcement actions undertaken by WorkSafe under the occupational safety and health legislation. Traditionally this information has been published as part of the department’s Annual Report . Background The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (OSH...
Enforcement outcomes
The Children and Community Services Act 2004 (CCS Act) prohibits children under 15 working in horse riding schools and equestrian centres. These child employment laws apply to all Western Australian employers. If you run or manage a business that is a horse riding or equestrian centre you need to...
When children can work
Industrial Inspectors in the Private Sector Labour Relations Division assisted Western Australian workers recover a total of $458,290 in unpaid wages and entitlements in the last financial year. This amount included nearly $300,000 in unpaid long service leave and $137,000 in wages and other...
Labour Relations



This information sheet provides advice for persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) on the function, content and application of safe work method statements (SWMS). The Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 and Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 (WHS Regulations), require a SWMS to be prepared for proposed high risk construction work before commencing any activity.
04 Jul 2023
The department's annual report for 2017-2018 presents information on its statutory compliance, financial, non-financial and operational performance, in accordance with the requirements of the...
08 Nov 2019
The following checklist is a step-by-step approach designed to be used when employees are located at a new workstation or whenever their tasks change. When setting up the position of this furniture...
Guide / handbook
13 Dec 2018
People who work in the field of home and community health care face unique challenges in managing work health and safety. An increased demand for services that allow people to stay in their own homes...
13 Dec 2018
Tremolite asbestos has been identified in the ceramic centre of some Bunsen burner gauze mats in New Zealand and the UK, and preliminary testing has indicated that this may be an issue in gauze mats...
08 Jan 2024
Laws prohibit children under 15 working in horse riding schools and equestrian centres If you run or manage a business that is a horse riding or equestrian centre you need to know: 15 years old is...
Labour Relations
12 Nov 2018
WorkSafe reminds painting professionals and other contractors that high pressure water cleaning of asbestos cement material is prohibited. WorkSafe is investigating an incident where a registered...
09 Nov 2018
There are serious health risks caused by exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) for workers in the stone benchtop manufacturing, finishing and installation industries. Cumulative exposure to...
04 Dec 2023
This checklist has been developed to highlight safety issues in fuel retailing and provides information on how to best manage those risks to minimise workplace injuries and comply with occupational...
06 Nov 2018
A concise version of the annual report that provides the reader with a snapshot of the annual report clearly articulating the value created by the department over the financial year.
25 Oct 2018



WorkSafe has reminded owner-builders of their responsibility for workplace safety after an owner-builder was fined $25,000 and granted a spent conviction over an incident in which a worker fell from a roof. The South-West owner-builder (who cannot be identified due to the spent conviction) pleaded guilty to failing to take practicable measures to ensure that persons at the workplace were not...
Media release
21 May 2021
Port Headland and Karratha in Western Australia hold the Queen's Birthday public on different dates, usually to coincide with a significant date or event for that area. The dates for 2021 are now available on the Regional dates for the Queen's Birthday public holiday page. In all other areas of Western Australia, the Queen's Birthday public holiday will be held on Monday 27 September 2021.
Labour Relations
Department News
18 May 2021
Building company Gran Designs WA Pty Ltd has been fined a total of $175,000 over the 2017 death of a contract worker in the South-West town of Yarloop. The company pleaded guilty in the Bunbury Magistrates Court yesterday to five charges, the most serious of which was failing to provide and maintain a safe workplace and, by that failure, causing the death of the worker. On this charge the company...
Media release
12 May 2021
Award coverage for pharmacy assistants employed by businesses in the state industrial relations system has long been a complex and contested issue. On 3 May 2021, the Western Australian Industrial Appeal Court issued a decision determining that the state Shop and Warehouse (Wholesale and Retail Establishments) Award does cover pharmacy assistants. This decision is available on the WA Industrial...
Labour Relations
Department News
10 Jun 2021
There are two systems of employment law that operate in WA – the state industrial relations system and the national fair work system. These systems have different employment obligations, so getting the right information is critical. Employers and employees cannot choose which system they operate in. Wageline’s new WA employer essentials at www.dmirs.wa.gov.au/WA-employers explains: how to...
Labour Relations
Department News
04 May 2021
Employees who believe they have been underpaid can make an underpayment complaint to Wageline, which is part of Private Sector Labour Relations at the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. The process for making a complaint is set out at Making a Complaint about underpayment of wages or entitlements . State system employees For state system employees, Private Sector Labour...
Labour Relations
Department News
30 Apr 2021
Wednesday 28 April 2021 is World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Worker's Memorial Day. This day provides us an opportunity not only to raise awareness of safety and health in workplaces but to remember those who have died from a work-related injury or illness. The International Labour Organisation annually sets a theme for the day. This year's theme is Anticipate, prepare and respond to...
23 Apr 2021
Many WA awards require employees to be paid a location allowance when employed in certain regional towns. The allowance amount varies by town and is paid to compensate employees for the additional cost of living, climatic discomfort, and isolation in these towns. Junior, casual and part time employees as well as apprentices and trainees must be paid a proportionate location allowance. Employees...
Labour Relations
Department News
19 Apr 2021
Wageline has published two new WA award summaries for the: Retail Pharmacists Award ; and Photographic Industry Award The Retail Pharmacists Award covers employees working in retail pharmacies and/or dispensaries as pharmacists, pharmacist managers, pharmacists-in-charge, trainee pharmacists (interns) and pharmacy students in the state industrial relations system. The Photographic Industry Award...
Labour Relations
Department News
13 Apr 2021
Long service leave is a paid leave entitlement for employees who have continuous employment with one and the same employer for a specified period. The majority of private sector Western Australian businesses and employees in both the state and national industrial relations systems are covered by the state Long Service Leave Act 1958. Detailed information is available on the Long service leave –...
Labour Relations
Department News
12 Apr 2021


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