Employee / worker


Learn more about responding to burn injuries.
Guide / handbook
21 May 2014
This guide provides practical guidance for designers, manufacturers, suppliers, couriers and users of surgical instrument set transport cases, and outlines their obligations when transporting and...
Guide / handbook
21 May 2014
This guide provides practical guidance for designers, manufacturers, suppliers and users of slashers. OHS legislation requires the control of risk to health and safety, and following this guide is a...
Guide / handbook
21 May 2014
This handbook outlines the legal requirements and provide known industry solutions and strategies to ensure the safe operation of tractors with attached implements on farms.
Guide / handbook
21 May 2014
This bulletin has been produced to raise awareness on occupational safety and health issues relevant to older workers. Employers have a general duty of care to address potential age-related factors...
Guide / handbook
21 May 2014
You can improve the safety of masonry walls during construction work with good planning and preparation, risk management and (where required) temporary supports.
Guide / handbook
12 Jun 2024
Tips for carers on preventing musculoskeletal injuries from performing manual tasks.
Guide / handbook
21 May 2014
This handbook aims to assist franchisors develop an effective health and safety system and help franchisees understand how to implement this system in their workplace.
Guide / handbook
21 May 2014
Information about selecting and using dust masks in construction work.
Guide / handbook
21 May 2014
This is a guide for employers on occupational safety and health issues relevant to casual workers, in particular short-term transient workers.
Guide / handbook
21 May 2014



The Wageline Newsletter September edition has been published. This edition features information about the Perth Royal Show and the information employers need to know when employing temporary staff for this event. Wageline Newsletter is an email service which provides updates on: increase to state minimum wage and WA award rates of pay other changes to key WA awards critical issues employers need...
Labour Relations
Department News
12 Sep 2017
The Perth Royal Show is fast approaching and each year the Show provides employment opportunities for many people in a wide range of jobs. Business owners who want to employ children at the Perth Royal Show must abide by the provisions of the Children and Community Services Act 2004 which regulates where, when and at what age children can be employed. These laws apply to children in all...
Labour Relations
Department News
04 Sep 2017
Premier Mark McGowan on Sunday 27 August 2017 announced an increase of penalties for workplace safety offences to bring Western Australia into line with other states and ensure penalties better reflect the importance of a safe workplace. Media statement
28 Aug 2017
Earlier this year the Department conducted a proactive compliance campaign about the employment of children in the fast food industry. Almost 1000 fast food employers across the Perth metropolitan area were provided with an information pack about the employment of children under the Children and Community Services Act 2004 . Information was also sent to the offices of relevant franchise groups...
Labour Relations
Department News
28 Aug 2017
Getting the right employment information from the right people is critical to business success. Wageline often gets calls in which small business owners say – “I had no idea I had to pay that” when Wageline tells them about their employment obligations. Western Australia has two industrial relations systems and a business owner’s employment obligations will depend on which system covers their...
Labour Relations
Department News
21 Aug 2017
Wageline has launched new versions of its popular leave calculation guides. The annual leave, sick leave and long service leave calculation guides explain and provide examples of how to calculate leave entitlements. These guides are available on the Wageline leave calculation guides page .
Labour Relations
Department News
16 Aug 2017
Long service leave payments can be a hidden cost when buying a business. Small business owners and their accountants need to be aware that when someone purchases a business or part of a business in Western Australia, in most circumstances the new owner will take on the long service leave obligations for existing employees, for the whole period of their employment. This applies regardless of...
Labour Relations
Department News
27 Aug 2018
The new and improved Wageline fact sheets for long service leave and record keeping requirements are now available on the Wageline website. These fact sheets provide critical information that employers and employees need to know about long service leave in Western Australia and record keeping requirements in the state industrial relations system. New employee or subcontractor fact sheet Wageline...
Labour Relations
Department News
07 Aug 2017
In the last few months Wageline has been conducting a proactive campaign highlighting employers' obligations to keep employment records. The response to this campaign has been very positive with employers contacting Wageline for extra information and downloading our record keeping templates which assist small business meet their legal obligations. Keeping employment records is a key business...
Labour Relations
Department News
31 Jul 2017
Employees in the state industrial relations system have an entitlement to carers leave from the Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993 . A full time or part time employee is entitled to use paid sick leave to care for a member of their family or household who is injured or ill. In the first year of employment, a full time or part time employee can use any paid sick leave that he or she has...
Labour Relations
Department News
26 Jul 2017


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