Employee / worker


Subscribe to the WorkSafe Media Statement Digest To make it easier to keep up with news from WorkSafe you can now subscribe to a daily digest of our media releases. The digest is sent out to subscribers at 2pm every day and features summaries of media releases issued in the preceding 24 hours. */...
WorkSafe has produced the following health and safety posters which can be displayed in your workplace. Although some guidance material was prepared by previous departments and divisions, the content is still valid. Agriculture Quad bike safety This poster is for those operating or in charge of...
Check out WorkSafe’s range of videos. These videos are free to view and can be used by workplaces, people who are studying safety and health and for training and teaching purposes. General information Hazard awareness Managing the risk of falls at workplaces: Running time: 13:05 mins Falling from...
Angle grinders are one of the most dangerous tools in any workplace. They are used for cutting, grinding and polishing work. Most angle grinder injuries are from metal particles lodging in the operator’s eye. However, the most serious injuries are from kick-back, where the disc is thrust back...
Plant and machinery
Brake presses (also known as press brakes and beam presses) are powered equipment used for linear bending and forming of metal products, including heavy gauge materials. These machines are a type of power press and as such have the potential to cause instantaneous and serious injury if not set up...
Plant and machinery
​Zoonoses are infectious diseases that are transmitted between animals and humans. There are about 50 types of zoonoses that have been recorded in Australia. These diseases can be transmitted from healthy or ill animals, and infected animals may not appear sick. Transmission usually occurs through...
Diseases and health
Guidance notes provide practical guidance for employers and workers on the management of risks to safety and health risks that may arise in relation to specific hazards. Approved guidance notes Alcohol and other drugs at the workplace - Commission for Occupational Safety and Health Asbestos...
Guidance notes
A code of practice provides detailed information on how you can achieve the standards required under work health and safety (WHS) law. Codes of practice do not replace the law, but can help you understand what you need to do to comply with specific regulations and provide a healthy and safe...
Codes of practice
Gases are substances that are completely in a gaseous state at normal temperatures and pressures. Some liquids or solids have an associated gaseous phase which is called a vapour. Smoke is a fine solid formed by incomplete burning. Fumes are fine airborne particles produced when a solid vapourises...
Hazardous chemicals
When a person breathes, inhalable particles suspended in the air enter their body. Most large particles are stopped in the nose, but smaller respirable particles reach the lungs. Dusts can contain hazardous materials for which a workplace exposure standard exists. One of the most common dusts...
Hazardous chemicals



WorkSafe is investigating an incident with preliminary evidence indicating an employee, who was fatally injured, may have been struck in the head by a 48 inch pipe wrench spanner. The spanner was...
31 May 2018
WorkSafe is investigating an incident in which an employee was fatally injured. He was struck by a section of pipe at a wastewater treatment plant during pipe modification works. Preliminary...
04 Dec 2023
The purpose of this Safety Alert is to remind workplaces of the importance of conducting regular service and inspections for vehicle hoists. WorkSafe Western Australia has been inspecting workplaces...
01 Aug 2018
A serious accident at a mechanical workshop involving the ignition of a flammable liquid is currently being investigated by DMIRS. The workshop uses a flammable solvent to clean car components. An...
04 Dec 2023
This fact sheet provides information about lightning and includes duties for employers of outdoor workers and precautions to be taken to reduce the risk of injuries and deaths as a result of...
Fact sheet
18 May 2018
New legislation will be coming into effect on 14 May 2018 which will require all workers performing work for reward at “domestic-type” premises, turn off all sources of electricity by opening the...
Guidance note
05 Jul 2018
Tasks carried out by plumbers can increase the risk of musculoskeletal injuries such as sprains and strains due to awkward postures, repetitive actions and excessive force required to lift, carry or...
Fact sheet
19 Dec 2023
The Construction Contracts Act 2004 Adjudication activity report for the first half of 2017/2018. This summary report has been prepared by the Building and Energy Division of the Department and is...
Building and Energy
21 Feb 2018
This checklist designed for employees, OSH Representatives or supervisors in the health care industry to assist with investigation of incidents resulting from violence and aggression from clients/...
12 Feb 2018
This fact sheet provides an overview of the legislative requirements for fatigue management for commercial vehicle drivers. Duties for the person responsible for drivers and operation of commercial...
Fact sheet
23 Nov 2020



As the result of the Premier’s announcement that WA will be entering into a hard lock down until 6.00pm, Friday 5 February, our phone services are currently unavailable. Wageline will resume full service delivery on Monday 8 February. If your matter is urgent please email us at wageline@dmirs.wa.gov.au
Labour Relations
Department News
01 Feb 2021
The 2023 public holiday dates in Western Australia are now available on the Wageline website at www.dmirs.wa.gov.au/publicholidays .
Labour Relations
Department News
29 Jan 2021
With the season’s first cyclone forming off the North-West coast, businesses throughout the State have been reminded to ensure that contingency plans have been established and are in operation. WorkSafe WA Commissioner Darren Kavanagh said today it was crucial that everyone on both sea and land knew what to do when a cyclone approached. “Under workplace safety and health laws employers must have...
Media release
22 Jan 2021
The public holiday for Labour Day in 2021 is Monday 1 March. Under the Public and Bank Holidays Act 1972 , in Western Australia the Labour Day public holiday takes place on the first Monday in March. The Labour Day public holiday entitlements for 2021 page provides information on entitlements for: state system award free employees Shop and Warehouse (Wholesale and Retail Establishments) Award...
Labour Relations
Department News
28 Jan 2021
In most cases, when employment ends after at least 7 years of continuous employment , an employee is entitled to pro rata long service leave. The WA long service leave calculator can provide an estimate of an employee’s long service leave entitlement when employment ends as a result of resignation, dismissal, death or redundancy. Since its launch in mid 2020, the WA long service leave calculator...
Labour Relations
Department News
18 Jan 2021
Amendments to the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996, relating to health surveillance for workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica will come into effect on 15 April 2021. The amendments will require employers to provide a low-dose HRCT scan, supervised by an appointed medical practitioner, instead of the previously required chest X-ray. Western Australia is the first...
18 Jan 2021
Wageline has published three new WA award summaries: Enrolled Nurses and Nursing Assistants (Private) Award Industrial Spraypainting and Sandblasting Award Sheet Metal Workers Award The Enrolled Nurses and Nursing Assistants (Private) Award covers trainee and student enrolled nurses, enrolled nurses and nursing assistants in the state industrial relations system. The Industrial Spraypainting and...
Labour Relations
Department News
15 Jan 2021
From today, employees who need to make a complaint to Private Sector Labour Relations about underpayments can use our new Underpayment of wages and entitlements complaint form. The new form is easier to complete and streamlines the process of providing initial information to the industrial inspectors at Private Sector Labour Relations. Previously, state system employees with both a wages or...
Labour Relations
Department News
14 Jan 2021
The public holiday for Australia Day in 2021 is Tuesday 26 January. Each WA award prescribes entitlements for public holidays. These entitlements vary from industry to industry, so it is essential that employers and employees read their relevant WA award summary and understand their rights and obligations. Entitlements can include penalty rates, additional leave and time in lieu. The Australia...
Labour Relations
Department News
11 Jan 2021
Workplaces have been reminded to guard against the effects of extreme temperatures as another week of summer heat hits the State. WorkSafe WA Commissioner Darren Kavanagh today reminded employers and workers of the need to take extra care during the summer months to avoid the risk of heat stress or the more serious heat stroke. “This warning goes out not only to outdoor workers, but also to...
Media release
05 Jan 2021


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