

With Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner David Hillyard The holiday season is now in full swing and many families will be travelling and staying in short-stay accommodation which could pose a danger to children if safety standards are ignored. While parents will ensure that their home is a safe environment, the same vigilance may not be applied when on holidays, so it’s important that...
Consumer Protection
Department News
14 Jan 2016
Flashing decorations and jewellery and musical stockings and greeting cards are among the items that made it on to the naughty list during Consumer Protection’s annual pre-Christmas product safety inspections. We are urging the WA community to check button battery powered products twice because the lithium batteries, which are shiny and might look like sweets to toddlers, can kill or seriously...
Consumer Protection
Department News
23 Dec 2015
With Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner David Hillyard Extended retail trading hours for the Christmas period began on the 5 th of December for the Perth metropolitan area, giving shoppers an extra 51 hours to find gifts for family and friends. Major retailers are allowed to open as early as 7am on weekdays and Saturdays, 8am on Sunday and close later at 6pm on Saturdays and Sundays...
Consumer Protection
Department News
18 Dec 2015
The 9th of July 2015 was an ordinary day for busy mum-of-three Danielle Stubbs at her Woodvale family home. Her eldest daughter’s ‘Frozen’ microphone was not working and Danielle had unscrewed the battery compartment, removed the dead batteries and put them on the kitchen bench ready to take them with her to the shops so that she could buy replacements that matched. Each battery was only the...
Consumer Protection
15 Dec 2015
With Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner David Hillyard The start of the bushfire season in Western Australia has been a horrendous one, with the loss of lives and extensive damage cause by wild blazes in the Esperance region as well as serious fires in the outer areas of metropolitan Perth. Watching the scenes of devastation on TV or online, hearing about it on the radio or reading stories...
Consumer Protection
Department News
07 Dec 2015
The State Government has announced reforms for building in bushfire-prone areas of Western Australia. The Department of Fire and Emergency Services has prepared a map which identifies the bushfire-prone areas across the State. A bushfire hazard assessment will be required for new homes in areas identified as bushfire-prone on the map. The assessment will determine the level of construction...
Building and Energy
Department News
07 Dec 2015
With Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner Gary Newcombe Are you planning home improvements? Perhaps a TV show like ‘The Block’ has inspired you to renovate. Consumer Protection has some important recommendations for you to consider before you hire tradespeople to carry out jobs at your property. Our top tip is NOT to pay large amounts of money for nothing in return. Recently we have issued...
Consumer Protection
Department News
27 Nov 2015
With Acting Commissioner for Consumer Protection Gary Newcombe... Consumer Protection is seeking feedback on various options for changes to the laws regulating the buying, selling and repair of motor vehicles in Western Australia. These laws impact consumers who buy motor vehicles (including cars, caravans, camper vans and motor cycles) from dealers, as well as consumers who have any of these...
Consumer Protection
Department News
19 Nov 2015
A product recall has been issued for the Companion COMP243 and Adventuridge 41480 portable camping butane heater. The portable camping heater is designed for outdoor use only and requires a disposable 220G Butane Gas Cartridge for operation. The Companion COMP243 was available in various camping stores from 01.03.2015. The Adventuridge 41480 was available for sale in ALDI Stores from 21.03.2015...
Building and Energy
19 Nov 2015
Red tape reforms set to save West Australians at least $150 million during the next five years have been revealed in the State's inaugural Red Tape Reduction Report Card.
Building and Energy
Department News
17 Nov 2015


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