Business / company


In Western Australia the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 (the WHS Regulations) require that certain items of plant must be registered with WorkSafe. To register either an item of plant or design an application form must be completed and submitted to WorkSafe along with the correct...
Plant design and item of plant registration
WorkSafe takes a systems based approach to the prevention of inappropriate workplace behaviours, such as bullying, harassment (including sexual harassment ) and workplace violence/aggression (including sexual assault ). WorkSafe inquiries focus on the systems in place at a workplace to prevent and...
Ask a question or make a complaint
Funeral Pricing Code A public consultation to seek industry and consumer views on the draft Fair Trading (Funeral Pricing Code of Practice) Regulations 2022 (the Funeral Pricing Code) closed on 21 April 2022. The Funeral Pricing Code was published on 8 November 2022 and will commence on 1 May 2023...
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed 4 April 2022. Please subscribe to the Associations newsletter to keep up to date with the latest association information. The Associations Incorporation Act 2015 is being reviewed to check how well it is working. Background The purpose of this review...
The ticket resale market allows consumers to on-sell tickets they can no longer use. The resale market also allows consumers to access tickets to otherwise sold-out events. Consumers can pay significantly inflated prices for resold tickets (ticket scalping), sometimes purchased in bulk through the...
Sales practices
To assist contractors, subcontractors and suppliers in getting paid on time for construction work or the supply of related goods and services, and to enable fast resolution of disputes, there are two pieces of legislation in Western Australia which may help. On 1 August 2022 , Stage 1 of the State...
Security of payment
Wholesale suppliers' obligation Wholesaler suppliers have obligations they must meet as set in the the Petroleum Products Pricing Act 1983. At fuel terminals, a wholesale supplier must: Notify the Commissioner of their next day's spot price or TGP for each fuel type they sell Not refuse to supply...
Terminal operators must notify a “spot” price for each fuel type they sell in accordance with the Terminal Gate Price (TGP) formula stipulated in the Petroleum Products Pricing (Maximum Terminal Gate Price) Order 2013. These prices then become the maximum price a spot purchaser can be charged for a...
Questions asked during Safe Work Month Webinar on 30 October 2020 have been compiled along with the department's responses. Commencement When did the Work Health and Safety Act receive assent? The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) was assented to by the Governor on 10 November 2020. However...
Legislation, codes and guidance materials
Health monitoring is the monitoring of a person’s health for the purpose of identifying changes in the person’s health status resulting from exposure to a hazardous chemical. Health monitoring enables the Registered Medical Practitioner (RMP) to identify any potential adverse effect on health from...
Guides for medical practitioners



This Code applies to all workplaces covered by the WHS Act where construction work is carried out and where construction work products and equipment are used and stored.
Code of practice
06 Jul 2023
CP 50 daisy logo
CP 50 daisy logo, by CP
Empowering Consumers with Disability Forum Tuesday 30 August 2022 9.30am - 3pm RAC Arena, 700 Wellington Street, Perth This is an in-person and invitation only...
Consumer Protection
25 Aug 2022
Report an incident to WorkSafe posters are a quick reference guide to reporting a death, serious injury or illness, or life-threatening dangerous incident.
02 Mar 2023
This information sheet provides general guidance for workers and persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) on how to manage the risk of falls at work under the new work health and safety...
18 Jul 2022
Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Act 1985 (WA) Statutory Review 2022 is currently underway. More information is available on Commercial Tenancy law review . The CT Act regulates leasing...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
06 Sep 2022
This information sheet provides an overview of the key changes, registration and transitional provisions brought about the by the Work Health and Safety Act and regulations coming into effect.
05 May 2022
22 April 2022 Reminder of the dangers of toppling furniture and large appliances You may be aware of the tragic death of a child in Byford late last year, which was caused by toppling furniture...
Consumer Protection
22 Apr 2022
Please note that while this content was correct at the time of issue, COVID-19 restrictions may have since changed. Visit to find the latest COVID-19 information. 13 April 2022 Will current...
Consumer Protection
26 May 2022
Proposals for Reform of the Regulation of Motor Vehicle Consignment Sales Decision Regulatory Impact Statement (DRIS) The review under the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act 1973 (WA) (MVDA) has been...
Consumer Protection
29 Apr 2022
This guide is designed to provide information and practical suggestions that may be helpful to you and others at a time when you are grieving and having to navigate legal and other processes...
Guide / handbook
30 Mar 2022



Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 22 March 2023), the average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 22 cents per litre (cpl)...
Consumer Protection
Media release
21 Mar 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today, motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 8 March 2023), the average price of Perth’s regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by over 22 cents per...
Consumer Protection
Media release
07 Mar 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 1 March 2023), the average price of Perth’s regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by over 23 cents per...
Consumer Protection
Media release
28 Feb 2023
With a world-class fishing industry right on our doorstep, it’s little wonder so many Western Australian consumers are hooked on seafood. But if you’ve ever sat down at a restaurant and thought there was something fishy about the menu, rest assured that changes are coming to help clear up some of the confusion. In a move designed to increase consumer awareness about where our food comes from, the...
Consumer Protection
Media release
23 Feb 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today, motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 22 February 2023), the average price of Perth’s regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by over 23 cents...
Consumer Protection
Media release
21 Feb 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 15 February 2023), the average price of Perth’s regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by over 25 cents...
Consumer Protection
Media release
14 Feb 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today, motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 8 February 2023), the average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 24 cents per litre (cpl...
Consumer Protection
Media release
07 Feb 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. Over the past few weeks, the pattern of petrol pricing by the major fuel companies show a full return to weekly price cycles. After today motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am...
Consumer Protection
Media release
31 Jan 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 25 January 2023), the average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 25 cents per litre (cpl...
Consumer Protection
Media release
24 Jan 2023
Scammers have set up fake Instagram account leedal_foundation_limited The real Leedal Foundation Limited is raising funds for flood victims in Fitzoy Crossing on their Facebook fundraiser page Consumers urged to only donate to licensed charities or official fundraisers and not to respond to private messages Consumer Protection is warning consumers about scammers who are posing as a legitimate...
Consumer Protection
Media release
18 Jan 2023


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