

To be considered for registration as a building practitioner , qualifications and experience need to be correctly documented on your application form. Experience To become a building practitioner, there are five registration pathways, called ‘sets’, that applicants can register under. Each of these...
Initial registration
As of 2022–23 reporting on the Construction Contracts Act 2004 and Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2021 will be available through in the department’s annual report . Complete list of annual reports CCA Annual report 2021–2022 PDF 1.5MB CCA Annual report 2020-2021 PDF...
Quarterly and annual reports on the Construction Contracts Act
This information applies to construction contracts entered into before 1 August 2022. For contracts entered into on or after 1 August 2022 see the Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2021 webpages. Am I a subcontractor or an employee? An employee is paid according to a...
Information on the Construction Contracts (Former Provisions) Act
In Western Australia workers have been killed by lightning, the most recent in 2014 when a backpacker working on a farm at Bruce Rock died after she was struck by lightning. Workers are most at risk working out in the open, on the sea or other waterways or sheltering under trees or other structures...
Environmental factors
The Building Commissioner commenced an independent audit of Yuanda-supplied building products in the WA construction industry, beginning with the Perth Children's Hospital (PCH) and products that may contain asbestos. Announced by Building Commissioner Peter Gow on 15 July 2016, the audit follows...
Compliance and audit
Any reference to AS 3959 is to be taken as Australian Standard AS 3959:2018 – (Incorporating Amendment No. 1) – Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas as referenced in National Construction Code (NCC 2019). 1. What are the bush fire building requirements? The Building Act 2011 and...
Building in bush fire prone areas
Two Building Summits held on 8 August 2016 and 2 February 2016 provided opportunities for the Western Australian building industry and local and State government agencies to identify new red tape reductions and ways to streamline regulatory requirements for the construction of new homes,...
Events and seminars
The building services Acts and the plumbing regulations set out obligations that registered service providers and licensed plumbing contractors must adhere to. These obligations are set out in the fact sheets below: Obligations for licensed plumbing contractors Obligations for registered building...
Compliance and audit
Subscribe to Building and Energy's industry bulletins and newsletters to stay informed of: general industry trends; legislative changes; updates about registration and licensing; upcoming events and seminars; public consultations; and much more. Have you subscribed to news and updates? Sign up to...
A guide to the building approvals process in WA
A person responsible for building or demolition work must ensure that the work does not affect land beyond the boundaries of the works land. However there may be the potential for this to occur in certain circumstances, for example where work is on small sized lots or where construction is close to...
A guide to the building approvals process in WA



Published by the WA Building Commissioner as a recommended form.
Building and Energy
Form – application
01 Jul 2022
Published by the WA Building Commissioner as a recommended form.
Building and Energy
Form – application
01 Jul 2022
Once the adjudicator has received the application and the response, they have up to 10 business days to make a determination. This is a formal, written decision of the adjudicator.
Building and Energy
Fact sheet
01 Jul 2022
If you are involved in a dispute about a payment claim and the other party applies for adjudication, you (as the respondent) may be entitled to provide an adjudication response. The adjudication...
Building and Energy
Fact sheet
01 Jul 2022
Adjudication is a dispute resolution process to assist parties resolve disagreements about a payment claim made for a progress payment. It is quick, cost effective and can be used as an alternative...
Building and Energy
Fact sheet
01 Jul 2022
If you have been given a payment claim made under the Act, you need to participate in the response process otherwise serious consequences may follow.
Building and Energy
Fact sheet
01 Jul 2022
Before exercising your rights to get paid and recover debts under the Act, it is important to ensure that you have followed the correct process by making a valid payment claim under the Act. A...
Building and Energy
Fact sheet
01 Jul 2022
The Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2021 (or the Act) promotes cash flow in the building and construction industry in WA by providing a number of protections for...
Building and Energy
Fact sheet
01 Jul 2022
The Building Commissioner has published a template for an application for adjudication review by a respondent under the Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2021 . This...
Building and Energy
Guidance note
01 Jul 2022
The Building Commissioner has published a template for a person (the respondent) wishing to respond after having been given a payment claim made under the Building and Construction Industry (Security...
Building and Energy
Guidance note
01 Jul 2022



Western Australia’s building regulator is reminding builders and their clients that any increases in the price of a home building contract must comply with legislation. The guidance from Building and Energy follows a sharp rise in enquiries from home owners about unexpected price increases to their fixed-price home building contracts, as well as about delays to building work. Building and Energy...
Building and Energy
Media release
10 Jun 2021
Building Services Board issues $2,500 fine No building permit in place during an apartment balcony renovation Altered compliance certificate provided to the City of Perth A Mount Hawthorn building practitioner has been fined $2,500 for carrying out unauthorised work at a West Perth apartment and submitting incorrect documents to the City of Perth. The Building Services Board found that Christiaan...
Building and Energy
Media release
03 Jun 2021
Building a new home can be an exciting time, but many Western Australians going through the process right now may be facing unexpected price rises and construction delays. To help set the record straight on when prices can and cannot be increased, our colleagues at Building and Energy have published a new guide outlining what builders and their clients need to know about home building contract...
Building and Energy
Media release
03 Jun 2021
The Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Bill 2021 to be introduced to Parliament today Improving security of payment across the WA building and construction industry is a priority of the McGowan Government The Bill was introduced in the last Parliament but stalled by the Liberals and Nationals The McGowan Government will introduce the Building and Construction Industry (...
Building and Energy
Media release
25 May 2021
Building and Energy is advising property owners affected by the closure of the Pindan Group to immediately contact their home indemnity insurance (HII) provider, QBE Insurance (Australia) Ltd. Pindan Group entered external administration on Tuesday. The group includes four registered building contractors which carried out commercial, government-funded building projects and residential work:...
Building and Energy
Media release
20 May 2021
Rogue elements in industry exaggerate necessity for extra work and costs Consumers urged to get multiple quotes to avoid paying too much Do research to find licensed tradies offering sound advice and a fair price WA consumers who get quotes from companies that offer both plumbing and electrical services are being urged to get multiple quotes before signing a contract in order to avoid paying too...
Building and Energy / Consumer Protection
Media release
20 May 2021
Building work at a Kalgan property did not match the approved plans Issues included excessive height and an unauthorised carport Mr Jennings failed to properly manage and supervise a building service A former registered builder has been fined the maximum amount of $5,000 by the Building Services Board for deviating from approved plans and building standards while constructing a house in WA’s...
Building and Energy
Media release
06 May 2021
Former Shire of Cuballing building surveyor unintentionally misled the Shire of Narrogin Errors included the wrong type of certificate, no DFES review and non-compliant fire hydrants Building Services Board penalty followed a Building and Energy investigation A former local government building surveyor has been fined $1,000 for misleading a neighbouring shire when he incorrectly certified...
Building and Energy
Media release
03 May 2021
Mr Hudson was the nominated supervisor but didn’t carry out duties properly Supervisor had no previous experience in similar role Fined $4,000 by SAT for breaching Building Services (Registration) Act 2011 A nominated building supervisor for a registered building company has been fined $4,000 by the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) for failing to carry out his responsibilities properly. James...
Building and Energy
Media release
27 Apr 2021
Mr Marusco misled clients by falsely claiming homes were built by the company Director failed to ensure company’s building projects were properly supervised Inspections found many defects and breaches of standards and practices A director of a registered building company has been fined $8,000 by the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) for deceiving clients about the company’s previous projects...
Building and Energy
Media release
27 Apr 2021


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