Safe movement of vehicles and mobile plant

Mobile plant and vehicle movement is one of WorkSafe’s priority areas as many serious and fatal incidents have occurred in Western Australia.  This self-assessment tool is applicable to all industries and has been developed to assist you in identifying hazards and making your workplace safe.

Workplace traffic management planning

Planning is the first step to ensure work is done safely. A workplace traffic management plan details how the risks associated with plant and vehicle traffic are being managed in a workplace. Plans should be regularly monitored and reviewed to ensure they are effective and account for changes in the workplace. A traffic management consultative team consisting of management, safety and health representatives, safety advisors/officers, workers, contractors and others in the supply chain should be actively involved in planning, developing, monitoring and reviewing traffic management plans.

How to use this tool

This self-assessment tool will assist in reviewing the effectiveness and adequacy of your existing risk management approach for vehicle and mobile plant traffic movements at your workplace. It will also help generate ideas and opportunities to improve your practices.

The self-assessment should be undertaken in consultation with your traffic management consultative team (if any) or with your employees and safety and health representatives (if any).

Once you have completed the self-assessment, refer to appendix one for more information about safe movement of vehicles and mobile plant at workplaces, including links to guidance material that may assist in addressing any areas where you responded ‘no’. Alternatively, contact WorkSafe on 1300 30 78 77 for further information.

Further information

Last updated 22 Jul 2016

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