Review of the remote Aboriginal communities plumbing scheme – Consultation paper

This publication is for: 

As part of the implementation of the remote Aboriginal communities plumbing scheme, a commitment was given that a review of the scheme would be undertaken once it had been in place for at least twelve months.

This review is being carried out to meet that commitment, and focuses specifically on the following elements of the scheme:

  1. the scope of work permitted under the scheme;
  2. the prescribed qualifications for authorised workers;
  3. the process for designating a remote Aboriginal community as eligible under the scheme;
  4. the relationship between the authorised worker and the service provider; and
  5. the record-keeping requirements.

The review is also keen to assess:

  • the extent to which the remote Aboriginal communities plumbing scheme is helping to deliver improved health outcomes and reduce water wastage; and
  • the impact of the scheme (if any) on plumbers who are based in the regions it covers.
Building and Energy
Consultations / public comment
Last updated 01 Aug 2019

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