REMOVED RTA review fact sheet - No grounds terminations


Consultation status: CLOSED

Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. 

Should "no grounds" terminations by landlords be removed from the Residential Tenancies Act (the RTA)?

Possible options

  • No change to the law.
  • Replace no grounds terminations by landlords with new groudn that a landlord can use to terminate a periodic tenancy, such as needing to move back into the property, or wanting to renovate the property.
  • Keep no grounds terminations, but increase the notice period a landlord is required to give a tenant.

Tell us what you think...

  • Should no grounds terminations for the termination of a periodic tenancy be removed from the RTA? Why or why not?
  • If yes, what grounds of termination by a landlord shuold be added to the RTA instead?
  • If not grounds terminations remain in the RTA, what period of notice should the landlord have to give the tenant? For example, 3 months, 6 months?


Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
Last updated 16 Sep 2024

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