Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2019-2023

This publication is for: 
Person with disability

DMIRS is committed to delivering on the seven outcomes of the DAIP 2019 -2023 by working to provide equal access to services, events, facilities, consultation and feedback, employment and information for people with disability.

This plan aims to make improvements to DMIRS for all staff, contractors, customers and clients, stakeholders and visitors who live with disability. Below are the main objectives from the plan.

Outcome 1

People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to access the services of, and any event by DMIRS

  • The Disability Access and Inclusion Committee develops the strategies, and monitors the implementation of these seven outcomes to strengthen access and inclusion
  • The intent of this DAIP are incorporated in the development and review of DMIRS plans, codes, policies, processes and procedures 
  • Staff learning, induction and training strategies align with this DAIP
  • DMIRS organises events that are inclusive and accessible to people with disability and their carers
  • Opportunities are provided for people with disability to comment about access to DMIRS services
  • Awareness is raised of DMIRS contractors, service providers and agents about the requirements under the DAIP

Outcome 2

People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to access the buildings and other facilities of DMIRS

  • All DMIRS buildings, facilities and hired premises are physically accessible to people with disability 
  • Staff with disability are provided with reasonable adjustments so they may perform, participate and advance professionally 
  • Planning for future premises, renovations and upgrades consider accessible design for people with disability
  • Critical incident and evacuation procedures are in place and regularly reviewed for the safety of employees and visitors with disability

Outcome 3

People with disability receive information from DMIRS in a format that will enable them to access the information as readily as other people are able to access it

  • All DMIRS information is available, on request, in a format to assist a person with disability understand the information 
  • DMIRS will meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines - WCAG 2.0 and continue to make improvement in the way information is delivered online
  • Information about disability access and inclusion at DMIRS is accessible for staff and other internal stakeholders on the Intranet
  • DMIRS has clear, visible and accessible information complying with required standards for people with disability 

Outcome 4

People with disability receive the same level and quality of service from the staff of a public authority as other people receive from the staff of DMIRS

  • Staff learning, induction and training strategies align with DAIP 
  • DMIRS considers the individual rights, participation, inclusion and the needs of the person with disability whether they are staff, stakeholders or customers 
  • DMIRS recognises, acknowledges, and celebrates quality service achievements from staff towards people with disability to raise awareness and promote the objectives of the DAIP

Outcome 5

People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to make complaints to DMIRS

  • Receipt of complaints from people with disability is handled with respect, utmost consideration to privacy, facilitated with due process and the complainant is contacted with an outcome
  • Complaints processes are promoted to engage and raise awareness of staff
  • DMIRS complaints policies and procedures, grievance mechanisms and forms are in formats that are easily accessible for people with disability
  • DMIRS monitors complaints about access and inclusion to adjust strategies for improved results

Outcome 6

People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to participate in any public consultation by DMIRS

  • Promote DMIRS consultation processes to improve awareness of people with disability, carers, advocates and the community
  • During consultation a broad range of stakeholders are approached and their views sought on disability and access issues from the community and DMIRS stakeholders
  • DMIRS consultations are accessible and inclusive

Outcome 7

People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to obtain and maintain employment with DMIRS

  • The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Committee contributes to and supports the inclusive employment initiatives outlined in the DMIRS Diversity and Inclusion Plan 2019-2023 for improving employment outcomes for people with disability.

Access DMIRS 

National Relay Service (NRS) for the hearing impaired: 13 36 77 
Phone: 1300 136 237
Postal Address: Locked Bag 14, Cloisters Square WA 6850 
Email: accessibility@demirs.wa.gov.au

Last updated 14 Aug 2024

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