
Showing 1151 - 1175 of 1687 results
8 February 2017 Compulsory Professional Development (CPD) is a legal requirement for all licensed settlement agents. Failure to complete your CPD requirements could result in your triennial...
Consumer Protection
11 Nov 2021
8 January 2018 Kick start 2018 by getting your CPD points early! Compulsory Professional Development (CPD) is a legal requirement for all licensed settlement agents. Failure to complete your CPD...
Consumer Protection
11 Nov 2021
23 December 2020 Amendments to the code of conduct Recent amendments to the Settlement Agents Code of Conduct 2016 (WA) (SA Code) bring the fee disclosure requirements in line with those under the...
Consumer Protection
10 Nov 2021
This brochure provides general information about buying and selling property by way of offer and acceptance. Scope of this publication This publication provides general information and explains the...
Consumer Protection
04 Nov 2021
The new 'Dividing fence matters' webpage provides general guidance on the Dividing Fences Act 1961 (the Act) and its interaction with local government by-laws in relation to the construction and...
Building and Energy
04 Nov 2021
The two-month public consultation period for the modernisation of Western Australia’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws ended on 31 August 2018. A total of 66 submissions provided a range of views on...
04 Nov 2021
Upcoming changes to pre-estimated liquidated damages From 1 January 2022, the maximum amount of pre-estimated liquidated damages that a dealer may charge will reduce from 15 per cent to five per cent...
Consumer Protection
01 Nov 2021
14 July 2016 Settlement agents are required to have their trust accounts for the financial year ending 30 June 2016, or part thereof, audited. The Commissioner for Consumer Protection (the...
Consumer Protection
28 Oct 2021
24 April 2017 Bonds lodgement required within 14 days. Since 1 December 2016, Consumer Protection has taken a tougher stance where residential tenancy bonds have not been lodged within the required...
Consumer Protection
28 Oct 2021
3 January 2017 Don’t leave it to the last minute to organise your annual trust account audit. By law all real estate agents (agents) who have held or received monies in trust are required to submit...
Consumer Protection
28 Oct 2021
The Construction Contracts Act 2004 (the Act) commenced operation on 1 January 2005. The Act provides a means for the rapid adjudication of payment disputes for parties to a contract for the carrying...
Building and Energy
28 Oct 2021
5 January 2015 Consumer Protection expects agents will be preparing their business trust account records for the audit period, 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014 for submission to their auditor...
Consumer Protection
27 Oct 2021
3 March 2016 The Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 requires all agents who hold a current triennial certificate and have held or received monies in trust during the 2015 year, to cause the...
Consumer Protection
27 Oct 2021
17 August 2015 Settlement agents are required to have their trust accounts for the year 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015, or part thereof, audited by an auditor approved by the Consumer Protection...
Consumer Protection
27 Oct 2021
Small business may need to engage an independent contractor to perform tasks on their behalves. There are about 986,000 persons working as independent contractors in Australia (ABS 2013). Engaging...
22 Oct 2021
Below is a sample complaint letter regarding a residential tenancy issue. Remember in some cases you will need to use a formal notice and follow the proper process for issuing a notice . Your name...
Consumer Protection
22 Oct 2021
This policy provides the criteria the Electrical Licensing Board require to be met for an Electrical Contractor's Licence to be issued.
Building and Energy
22 Oct 2021
As part of its function, Building and Energy provides an avenue for both consumers and builders to resolve disputes relating to workmanship issues in connection with a regulated building services and...
Building and Energy
Fact sheet
22 Oct 2021
Ask Us is a series of education initiatives and publications designed specifically for Aboriginal consumers in Western Australia. If you have a question about your mobile phone contract, about your...
Consumer Protection
Fact sheet
21 Oct 2021
Real Estate and Business Agents (General) Regulations 1979 Schedule 1A - Professional development subjects [r. 4AB] [Heading inserted in Gazette 28 Dec 2007 p. 6407.] Agency agreements Auctions...
Consumer Protection
21 Oct 2021
New fitness code published The Fair Trading (Fitness Industry Code) Regulations 2020 (WA) (that contain the new Fitness Industry Code) were published on 29 September 2020. This mandatory code comes...
Consumer Protection
21 Oct 2021
Your home is usually your biggest investment, so it's worth doing your research before deciding who will undertake your building project. Undertaking a few practical checks at the start can help...
Building and Energy
Fact sheet
20 Oct 2021
Helpful information about what are the safety considerations when buying or using a portable pool? Don't duck out. Make it safe. A guide for portable pool buyers In Australia, on average one child...
Consumer Protection
Fact sheet
20 Oct 2021
The following FuelWatch logos are provided for use by industry and media in accordance with the relevant Consumer protection style guide. If you need an alternative format, eg. EPS, please contact CP...
Consumer Protection
Guide / handbook
14 Oct 2021
1 October 2021 Important changes to abandoned goods processes and mould in rental properties In this bulletin: Important changes to handling goods abandoned at the end of a tenancy Mould in rental...
Consumer Protection
13 Oct 2021
