Auditor consent letter template

This publication is for: 
Licence holdersProperty industry
The Trust and Audit Team
Registration and Monitoring Branch
Consumer Protection
Department of Commerce
Locked Bag100 
To the Commissioner for Consumer Protection

Auditor’s Declarations

I <<AUDITOR’S NAME>> hereby notify the Commissioner for Consumer Protection of my consent to the appointment as auditor of all trust accounts held by the agent nominated below (“the Agent”). I confirm that I am a registered company auditor under Part 9.2 of the Corporations Act 2001. I confirm that I am not related by blood, marriage or de facto relationship and have not had any business dealings with the agent, or anyone working with the agent. I undertake to disclose to the Commissioner any business dealings I have with or through the Agent at any time during my appointment as auditor. I understand that my appointment as auditor for the Agent is continuous unless the Commissioner approves a subsequent change in the appointment.

Agent’s Details (the Agent)

Triennial Certificate or 
Licence Number
Trading Name
Licensee / Person in Bona Fide Control Name
Email Address

Auditor’s Details

Registered Company Auditor Number
Firm or Company Name
Email Address
Telephone Number
Yours Sincerely,
Consumer Protection
Last updated 14 Aug 2024

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