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The guide helps AssociationsOnline users lodge applications.
You can start an application lodgement or check the progress of a form you have lodged or updated. You will be able see the:
You will also be able to view the documents.
When you lodge an application, you will be asked to review the application and pay for the application. You will also receive a confirmation at the end of the process.
Select the ‘Back’ button to return to the ‘Lodge applications’ screen.
There are 9 steps to this process.
You will need to complete the details of the association by:
In section A you will need to provide your address details and/or your address for service details if these are different from the above.
Step 3:
You will need to tick ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to several questions on the particulars of the new association.
You will also be required to select whether the association will be adopting ‘Model’ rules as specified by the Department of Commerce, or its ‘Own’ rules.
Select the ‘Next’ button to proceed or select ‘Back’ to return to the previous screen.
Step 4:
Once you have indicated whether the association will be adopting ‘Model’ rules or its ‘Own’ rules, you will be presented with either the Model rules screen or the Own rules screen.
This is the Model rules screen and you will need to respond to the items listed in points 1 to 4.
Once you have completed this select the ‘Next’ button to proceed to the declaration screen, or select ‘Back’ to return to the previous screen.
On the Own rules screen, you will need to respond to the items listed in points 1 to 19.
You can browse and select files or documents to upload to the system. You can also remove files you have uploaded.
Once you have completed this select the ‘Next’ button to proceed to the Declaration screen, or select ‘Back’ to return to the previous screen.
Step 6
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to browse through your folders to select and upload documents.
If you have uploaded documents in error you can delete them.
When you have completed this task you can perform a ‘bulk’ upload of all documents you have selected.
You are required to make a ‘Declaration’ to validate that:
You are authorised to represent the association.
The information you have provided is true, correct and not false or misleading.
That copies of documents you have uploaded to accompany the application are true and correct.
Select the ‘Review’ button to check and validate the information you have provided and the documents that you have uploaded.
Steps 8 & 9
The purpose of the payment screen is to enable you to pay for your activities by either MasterCard or Visa. Once you made payment you will be able to view and download the documents you have uploaded to the system, or you can have them emailed to an email address that you specify.
Once you have completed these activities select the ‘Back to My Account’ button to return to the ‘Add a new association’ screen.
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to submit an application to transfer the incorporation of a linked association to another prescribed body corporate such as:
In order to do this you need to:
Select the ‘Review’ button to review and pay for this activity.
This is a four step process
You access this process by selecting the ‘Add a new association’ button on the AssociationsOnline home screen (see image of this screen on page 3 of this Quick Reference Guide).
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to apply for an extension to the date for holding the AGM. When doing so you will need to:
Once you have completed this declaration you can proceed to review the documents you have uploaded and pay for this activity.
You will receive a confirmation of your payment and will be able to download the documents or elect to have them sent to an email address that you specify.
This is a nine step process.
You access this process by selecting the ‘Add a new association’ button on the AssociationsOnline home screen (see image of this screen on page 3 of this Quick Reference Guide).
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to change the association’s rules. You will need to indicate:
You will be prompted to indicate the name of the association, indicating whether it is incorporated, provide additional information on the proposed name, required documentary evidence, and information on the new objects and purposes of the association.
The purpose of this screen is to enable you specify the name of the association, indicating whether it is incorporated.
You will be prompted to provide further details on the association if you have selected certain words to include in the title of the association (for example, words like Royal or Anzac).
You will need to provide documentary evidence and information on the new objects and purposes of the association.
The purpose of this screen is to enable you specify the new objects and purpose of the association.
This is a mandatory field as indicated by the red asterix *.
Select the ‘Next’ button to select the rules under which the association is going to operate.
The purpose of this screen is to enable you specify the new objects and purpose of the association.
This is a mandatory field as indicated by the red asterix *.
Select the ‘Next’ button to select the rules under which the association is going to operate.
If you have selected that you will be using ‘Model’ rules, you will be taken to the ‘Model Rules’ screen.
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to specify some key details about matters to be included in your Model rules:
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to select the rules for the association. If the association is adopting its ‘Own’ rules, the following information must be provided:
Select the ‘Next’ button to be taken to the screen to upload documents and to make a declaration that:
You will be prompted to review your inputs, pay and receive a confirmation of payment by a system ‘Notification’.
This is a nine step process
You access this process by selecting the ‘Add a new association’ button on the AssociationsOnline home screen (see image of this screen on page 3 of this Quick Reference Guide).
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to amalgamate associations. Navigate to the ‘Add a new association’ button and search for the associations you wish to amalgamate.
Select the associations you wish to amalgamate by clicking on the ‘plus’ sign in the ‘Select’ column.
You will need to specify whether the proposed amalgamation for the association(s) you have selected is consistent with their current rules.
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to record the intended name of the amalgamated association.
If the name includes a restricted word like ‘Royal’ you will be prompted to provide information to justify the inclusion of this word in the name of the association.
You will also be required to upload documentation to validate this. An assessment will be performed and you will be alerted by a system ‘Notification’ of the outcome of the assessment.
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to record the:
Select the ‘Next’ button to complete to the next part of the process.
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to:
Depending on the selection made you will be taken to either the ‘Model Rules’ screen or the ‘Own Rules’ screen.
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to provide information on the matters to be included in the Model rules such as:
Select the ‘Next’ button to proceed to the screen where you can upload documents and make a declaration as to the truth and accuracy of the information provided and that you are authorised by the association to perform this action.
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to provide information on 20 items to be included in the association’s own rules including:
You are prompted to upload documents to validate your comments, make a declaration and proceed to payment and confirmation.
This is a four step process.
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to submit the Annual Information statement. You will be prompted to answer several questions relating to:
You will be able to upload any supporting documents and need to make a Declaration that you are authorised to act on behalf of the association, that the information is true and correct, and that you have not provided false or misleading information.
There is no charge for submitting Annual Information statements.
This is a six step process.
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to complete a special resolution requesting a voluntary cancellation of:
The incorporation status of your association.
Approve the distribution plan for the transfer of the association’s surplus property.
Indicate the date of the general meeting at which this special resolution was passed.
Select the ‘Next’ button to be taken to the screen covering the details of the distribution plan for the ‘Surplus property’.
You can continue shopping at this point as well if you have forgotten to select a specific document and return via the ‘Checkout’ screen to this payment screen.
The purpose of this screen is to enable you to record the information relating to your association’s surplus property, specifically the funds and assets remaining the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities.
You will need to answer several other questions relating to how your members agreed to the plan of how to transfer the surplus assets.
You will need to provide the name of the entity or entities that the assets are to be transferred to, and to confirm that the distribution plan is in accordance with the association’s rules.
You are able to upload supporting documentation and will be required to make a Declaration that:
Select the ‘Next’ button to be prompted to review and pay for this activity and you will receive confirmation of this through a system ‘Notification’.
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