Changes to pre-estimated liquidated damages From 1 January 2022, the maximum amount of pre-estimated liquidated damages that a dealer may charge is five per cent. Information for dealers about the...
Consumer Protection
04 Jan 2022
The Consumer Justice Strategy will outline legislative reforms, policy development, and strategic priorities for consumer protection and fair trading in WA for the coming years.
About us
The ticket resale market allows consumers to on-sell tickets they can no longer use. The resale market also allows consumers to access tickets to otherwise sold-out events. Consumers can pay significantly inflated prices for resold tickets (ticket scalping), sometimes purchased in bulk through the...
Sales practices
Scammers are smart, crooked and don’t care who they hurt. Lots of people get tricked into handing over their money or personal information to scammers. Scams can be found in many different places for example websites, emails, phone calls, text messages, apps, social media and even a person. In 2020...
Aboriginal consumers
In February 2020, a haul truck arrived at a workshop for maintenance with no tyres fitted in position 4 or 5. The position 6 tyre casing blew out 15 days later. Four workers were working on the haul...
04 Dec 2023
This year 56 submissions were received with 30 companies recognised as finalists. Seven finalists were recognised with a winner’s trophy and four finalists received a certificate of merit. The Department would like to congratulate the Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards winners and finalists...
Work Safety Awards
This webpage provides general guidance on the Dividing Fences Act 1961 (the Act) and its interaction with local government by-laws in relation to the construction and maintenance of dividing fences in Western Australia. The Act provides a process for sharing costs between neighbours, the...
Dividing fences
New valves on LPG cylinders From 1 April 2021 LP Gas cylinders with new valves are being phased in. When you next exchange your BBQ or outdoor gas appliance LP Gas cylinder after 1 April 2021, you may receive a cylinder with the new valve. You won’t need to replace your BBQ or outdoor gas appliance...
Gas installations
In November 2020, two workers were in the process of tree lopping in a truck-mounted elevating work platform (EWP) when the boom-type EWP suffered a major structural failure, with the metal support...
03 Mar 2021
On 11 January 2021, the Department received a report of an incident at a mine site where an electronic cigarette (vape) battery spontaneously ignited in a worker’s pocket while he was travelling in a...
23 Feb 2021


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