Commencement and transition From 1 July 2024, new laws in WA will require building engineers to be registered by the Building Services Board (the Board) to carry out, or contract with consumers to carry out, building engineering work in the State. Registration...
Building engineers
Wageline’s long service leave explainer videos are for WA employers and employees seeking information on obligations and entitlements under the WA Long Service leave Act . These videos are embedded in the relevant content pages, or you can watch the videos here. Long service leave when business...
Many employees in the state industrial relations system are covered by WA awards. WA awards are legal documents that set the legal minimum pay rates and other working arrangements for employees in a particular industry or occupation. It is unlawful for an employer to provide pay rates or employment...
WA award pay rates and award summaries
Button batteries can be a deadly hazard. If swallowed, button batteries can cause internal burns, severe bleeding and even death. Items containing button batteries include: toys TV and car key...
Consumer Protection
22 Jun 2023
WorkSafe’s investigation is ongoing. Information contained in this significant incident summary is based on evidence at the time of writing. WorkSafe is investigating an incident, which resulted in a...
04 Dec 2023
Wageline’s explainer videos are for WA employers and employees seeking information on employment rights and obligations under state employment law. These videos are embedded in the relevant content pages, or you can watch all the videos here. Which system of employment law applies? Two systems of...
Employment explainer videos
As stipulated in AS/NZS 3000:2018 Wiring Rules clause, Type AC RCDs must not be installed in Australia from 1 May 2023. This change is due to the increased use of electronics, solar energy generation and other similar products with a high direct current (DC) waveform component. Only Type...
Information for industry
Tenancy Laws Part 3 - Ending a Tenancy - Malay Translation, by ConsumerProtectionWA
Consumer Protection
04 Apr 2023
Tenancy Laws Part 2 - Moving In - Malay Translation, by ConsumerProtectionWA
Consumer Protection
04 Apr 2023
‘Indigenous Consumers Count’ are reports examining consumer issues faced by Indigenous Western Australians and whether consumer protection services adequately meet the needs of this diverse...
Consumer Protection
13 Mar 2023


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