A compulsory recall of vehicles fitted with defective Takata airbags was announced in February 2018. The below information will help you understand your responsibilities in relation to the recall. [scald=6861:image_medium {"link":"
Standards, recalls and bans
31 January 2018 Consumer Protection wants you to be aware that from 8 February 2018, when you submit a bond disposal, a new survey will appear in the eTransaction Number confirmation box that you...
Consumer Protection
31 Jan 2018
Wire bristles from barbecue brushes can cause serious throat or digestive injuries when ingested. Thousands of injuries have been reported from accidentally consuming the bristles around the world, including in Australia. The metal bristles on barbecue brushes can become loose. Be aware of bristles...
Product safety for consumers
Asbestos has recently been found in friction wear plates in the suspension systems of rail carriages. The new rail carriages were purchased between 2007 and 2014 and were imported from China. They...
08 Jan 2024
What is the sharing economy? The sharing economy is an online marketplace run by platform operators that connect consumers with people who have goods or services to sell, hire, rent or lease. Platform operators provide administrative functions, such as facilitating payment and managing the platform...
Guarantees and warranties
What is the sharing economy? The sharing economy is an online marketplace run by platform operators which connects consumers with people who have goods or services to sell, hire, rent or lease. Platform operators provide administrative functions, such as facilitating payment and managing the...
Your consumer rights
Eastern states criminals target Perth landlords South-East Asian crime gangs, based in the eastern states, are renting Perth homes and turning them into indoor cannabis farms – dozens of homes have...
Consumer Protection
Fact sheet
14 Aug 2024
WorkSafe is seeing ongoing non-compliance with wall chasing work, such as: Use of petrol powered saws without local exhaust ventilation (LEV) on-tool, exposing workers to toxic carbon monoxide;...
12 Dec 2019
Recently WorkSafe became aware that a number of empty sea containers had come into Fremantle port contaminated with raw chrysotile (white asbestos). The friable asbestos was present within the sea...
22 Jan 2024
25 May 2017 A Perth real estate agency’s computer system has been accessed by scammers, resulting in bogus advertisements being posted on numerous rental accommodation websites. Actions are being...
Consumer Protection
14 Aug 2024


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