Eastern states criminals target Perth landlords South-East Asian crime gangs, based in the eastern states, are renting Perth homes and turning them into indoor cannabis farms – dozens of homes have...
Consumer Protection
Fact sheet
06 Sep 2017
To keep your baby safe, please follow our tips.
Consumer Protection
Fact sheet
13 Dec 2022
A general inspection into the use of Yuanda products in Western Australian buildings.
Building and Energy
31 Aug 2017
Should you require assistance with completing this form please contact Licensing by telephone on 1300 30 40 64 (within Australia) or email . What do I need to complete an application To complete the...
Consumer Protection
Form – application
23 Dec 2022
This is a template and below is a suggested format that you may wish to follow: Remove anything that is not applicable to your business and add anything else you need Permanent Staff (a) The maximum...
Consumer Protection
Guidance note
08 Sep 2022
Form updated 16 March 2021 Should you require assistance with completing this form please contact Licensing by telephone on 1300 304 064 (within Australia) or email . What do I need to complete an...
Consumer Protection
Form – application
16 Mar 2021
Slips & trips are a serious issue in most workplaces and account for approximately 23.5% of all lost time injuries every year. Use the practical guide, toolbox talk and posters to assist you in...
24 Aug 2017
To enable the renewal application to be assessed prior to your licence expiring, please complete the entire form and lodge it before the expiry date, together with payment and all required supporting...
Consumer Protection
Form – application
01 Mar 2023
Who needs to hold a car market operator registration Anyone who carries on the business of providing the premises for a car market must hold a car market operators registration. A car market means a...
Consumer Protection
Form – application
22 Dec 2022
Who can apply to change authorised premises A motor vehicle dealer, repair business or car market operator who intends to add new premises to the existing licence, move from current premises to new...
Consumer Protection
Form – application
10 Apr 2024


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