REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS AGENTS Part VI Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 NOTIFICATION OF CLOSED / AMENDED TRUST ACCOUNT Agents should advise the Commissioner for Consumer Protection as soon...
Consumer Protection
Form – notification
10 Oct 2019
Notification of opening a trust account - Real estate REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS AGENTS Part VI Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 NOTIFICATION OF OPENING A TRUST ACCOUNT Agents should advise the...
Consumer Protection
Form – notification
16 Oct 2019
Building and Energy
Form – notification
01 May 2018
This Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement discusses options for the remaining ACIL Allen recommendations from the plumbing review. It has been prepared in accordance with the Government’s...
Building and Energy
Consultations / public comment
01 May 2018
Egg Labelling factsheet The Commonwealth Government has introduced an Information Standard under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) for all egg producers that prescribes their obligations when...
Consumer Protection
Fact sheet
04 May 2018
What happens if a complaint is made against your business? Consumer Protection provides information to both consumers and traders to assist them in resolving marketplace disputes. Most commonly these...
Consumer Protection
Guidance note
26 Jun 2020
Small business and competition and consumer law (ACCC publications) Small business and the competition and consumer act - your rights and responsibilities Competition and consumer law - an overview...
Consumer Protection
Fact sheet
26 Apr 2018
Co-operatives Annual reports templates - directors and auditors
Consumer Protection
26 Apr 2018
New legislation will be coming into effect on 14 May 2018 which will require all workers performing work for reward at “domestic-type” premises, turn off all sources of electricity by opening the...
Guidance note
05 Jul 2018
Co-operatives schedule 1 - matters for which rules must make provision
Consumer Protection
26 Apr 2018


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