Discuss as a Committee how your charity rates in complying with its obligations in WA. Disclaimer : the information contained in this publication is not intended to be legal advice and should not be...
Consumer Protection
19 Sep 2018
This checklist assists in determining whether a worker is a sub-contractor or an employee. It is a guide only and is not intended to provide a definitive assessment of the status of the working...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
04 Jul 2017
Abandoned Goods process Abandoned Goods Certificates are no longer issued (as of 1 November 2021). Landlords and/or park operators still have a legal obligation to properly handle goods abandoned by...
Consumer Protection
Form – application
30 Jan 2022
It could have been fatal when Mick, a retired tradesperson, fell from a DIY structure he made with two ladders. He fractured his ribs and vertebrae. His head had swollen ‘like a bowling ball’ from...
Consumer Protection
13 Sep 2016
An interim report on the discovery of asbestos within imported atrium roof panel products used in the construction of the new Perth Children’s Hospital.
Building and Energy
13 Sep 2016
The Building Commission is carrying out an independent audit of the Perth Children’s Hospital and other Western Australian buildings containing products supplied by Yuanda Australia Pty Ltd. The...
Building and Energy
Fact sheet
13 Sep 2016
This occupational safety and health (OSH) newsletter has been developed to provide information and assistance to employers, self-employed persons, persons having control of workplaces and employees...
05 Sep 2016
This Decision Paper has been prepared in compliance with the Western Australian Government’s requirement for a regulatory impact assessment and provides details of proposed reforms to the Plumbers...
Building and Energy
Discussion paper
17 Aug 2016


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