Product safety bans, recalls and safety standards

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Product safety bans, recalls and standards are made to protect consumers from harm.

Product Safety Australia (PSA) has information on product safety, bans, recalls and standards. PSA is run by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. 

Product safety bans 

Products will be banned if they put people at risk of injury, illness, or death. Businesses cannot sell banned products in Australia.

Product Safety Australia Product bans has details of banned products.

Product recalls

Product should be recalled if they are unsafe or could have potential to cause injury. Recalls can be issued by the business (voluntary) or set by the government (compulsory). 

Consumers may be asked to:

  • destroy or dispose the product or
  • return it for a refund, repair, or replacement.

Product Safety Australia Recalls has a list of recalled products. 

Food and drink

Food Standards Australia New Zealand issues food recalls and the Food Standard Code. The code sets the rules for ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates on packaging.

Therapeutic Goods

Therapeutic goods include vitamins, sunscreen, prescription medicines, vaccines, blood products and surgical implants.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is the authority on therapeutic products in Australia. If a therapeutic product is found to be defective or harmful to consumers, the TGA will issue a recall. You can search the recall actions database for items recalled by the TGA.

Product safety standards

Australian products and services must meet certain safety standards. There are three main product safety standards:

  • Mandatory safety standards: Rules about how products are designed and made.
  • Mandatory information standards: Rules about labels and instructions.
  • Voluntary standards: Suggested guidelines to make products safer, but not required by law.

Current mandatory standards are available on Product Safety Australia's website.

Businesses cannot sell products or product-related services which do not meet mandatory standards.


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