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A dodgy tree lopper, who caused dozens of complaints to Consumer Protection from his customers, has earned a public naming by the Consumer Protection Commissioner.
Sean Robert Weinthal of Huntingdale Crescent in Connolly who operates Metropolitan Tree Services and Experienced Tree Service is the focus of an investigation by Consumer Protection and throughout has been uncooperative with investigators and uncaring of the hardships he has caused to his customers.
“Mr. Weinthal letter-box drops flyers touting for business, with so-called discount tree lopping services in conjunction with local council’s verge-side collections of green waste,” Consumer Protection Commissioner Patrick Walker said.
“This man has displayed a distinct lack of concern for his customers and has been most uncooperative during our enquiries of his activities. This has led me to conclude it is in the public interest to warn potential customers not to have anything to do with him or his businesses,” he said.
Complaints about Mr. Weinthal have included:
“Mr. Weinthal remains a person of interest to us and while we continue our investigations and scrutiny of his activities, we want to minimise the impact he has on future customers.
“Anyone needing the services of a tree lopper should obtain at least three quotes, get references and use someone properly qualified who is prepared to provide confirmable contact details such as a street address,” Mr. Walker said.
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