Migration agent agrees to repay clients who received no service (Mason Migration Pty Ltd / Rebecca Mason)

This announcement is for: 

A Perth migration agent who accepted money from clients for a range of services which were not supplied has agreed to repay the money under a payment plan supervised by Consumer Protection.

Director Rebecca Joan Mason and Mason Migration Pty Ltd, formerly trading as Mason Migration of Subiaco, have signed an enforceable undertaking that agrees by 30 June 2019 to pay a total of $20,955 to Consumer Protection who will then distribute the funds to five clients. Ms Mason has already refunded $1,400 to one client.

Two other clients who claim to be owed refunds are not included in the arrangement as they have commenced their own separate legal action.

Commissioner for Consumer Protection David Hillyard said the failure of Ms Mason and her company to provide services or refunds has caused major inconvenience to the affected clients.

“Most of the clients believed that visa applications to Immigration had been lodged when in fact they hadn’t, creating major issues with regard to their ability to remain in Australia,” Mr Hillyard said.

“While Ms Mason has been deregistered as a migration agent since November 2018, our focus now is to get the money back for the affected clients who paid fees in good faith, only to have no services provided and their demands for refunds ignored.

“Should the payments not be made under the enforceable undertaking, we will be considering if further action is available in order to recover the funds owed.”

Enforceable undertakings can be viewed on the Consumer Protection website. Enquiries can be made by emailing consumer@demirs.wa.gov.au or calling 1300 30 40 54.


Media Contact: Alan Hynd, (08) 6552 9248 / 0429 078 791 / alan.hynd@demirs.wa.gov.au  


Consumer Protection
Media release
07 Jun 2019

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