HRA 11 - Construction of, or making substantial change to, a tailing storage facility at a surface mine

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Notifications for the construction of, or making substantial change to, a tailing storage facility

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Who is responsible for the notification?

The mine operator of a mine is required to provide written notification to the regulator 45 days before the construction of, or making substantial change to, a tailing storage facility.

This application is not required if performing maintenance on a tailings storage facility or performing a *lift* as defined in an already notified design.

This application is not required if the details of this high risk mining activity are provided in either a mining commencement notice or an additional operations notice.

Refer to rr. 675UK, 675UL, 675UC, 675UD and Schedule 23 of the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022

Required information

Information required to be provided as part of this notification includes:

  • Information requested via SRS submission portal and the applicable pro forma,
  • Design details and calculations,
  • Construction method,
  • A risk assessment that details controls that are to be implemented or are in place.

Depending on the nature of the mining operation, only the relevant part(s) of the application need to be completed. However, the items must be addressed in sufficient detail for the application to be properly assessed as outlined in information sheet.

Additional information may be requested after the application is lodged.

Lodging the application

All applications must be submitted through the SRS Submissions module

After successful lodgement via SRS, the high risk mining activity will be reviewed, the mine is required to wait the period of 45 days prior to the construction of, or making substantial change to, a tailing storage facility. The regulator must acknowledge the notice prior to the end of the waiting period and the entire waiting period must elapse prior to starting, unless it is waived or reduced by the regulator.

The submission is taken to be acknowledged by the regulator after 45 days if no written notice is provided to the mine operator that the application is incomplete or that the waiting period is to be extended.

An SRS Company Administrator (CA) or a Company Representative (CR) can enter information into SRS. The CA can assign the role of CR to any person(s) you nominate to liaise with the Department regarding the submission.

Further information is available at Safety Regulation System (SRS)

Who can I contact?

For SRS queries

Phone: 1300 307 877

Contact an inspector

Phone: 1300 307 877

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