Priority four sets out WorkSafe's key priorities in regards to consultation and representation.
Increase understanding of PCBU duties and the importance of consulting and involving workers in designing and implementing safe systems of work.
Outcomes/ objectives
- PCBUs engage in genuine cooperation and consultation with workers and their representatives to achieve healthy and safe workplaces.
- Workers are empowered to participate in and be consulted about work health and safety matters.
- The role of HSRs in raising and contributing to the resolution of health and safety issues in the workplace is accepted and supported.
- WHS Commission, Mining and Petroleum Advisory Committee (MAPAC) and other committees and working groups.
- HSR election results no longer notified, limiting targeted engagement.
- HSR feedback.
- Registered training organisation (RTO) feedback.
- Consultation and hazard identification which takes place within safety case regime.
Focus areas
- HSRs
- PCBUs and officers
- Registered training organisations
- Workers