Multicultural / multilingual


Consumer protection agencies in Australia develop an innovative communication tools to help people from diverse backgrounds understand their consumer rights and responsibilities under the Australian Consumer Law. Your rights when buying something Your rights when you buy something , produced by the...
Multilingual consumers
The media team is the first point of contact for journalists and other members of the media wanting information about Consumer Protection and its activities. The media team: prepares media releases and speeches arranges media interviews organises launches promoting our products and objectives...
Contact Consumer Protection
The Parliamentary Counsel's Office publishes all Western Australian legislation. You can seach and download Acts and Regulations in PDF or Word format. You can download a document with a list of Acts by administering portfolios .
About us
Three information videos are available to help you understand the tenancy laws in WA. Part one: Getting started Part two: Moving in Part three: Ending a tenancy Are you a tenant in a family and domestic violence situation and need some assistance? Find out more about your options to leave or stay...
Renting tools
The Western Australian Consumer Protection Awards provides an opportunity to reward and recognise the achievements of individuals, non-government organisations, businesses, local governments, journalists and media outlets that have increased awareness of consumer issues, provided support for...
Consumer Protection Awards



My shopping rights flash cards and posters in - Farsi
Consumer Protection
29 May 2014
My Shopping Rights flash cards and posters in - English
Consumer Protection
29 May 2014
My shopping rights flash cards and posters in - Dinka
Consumer Protection
29 May 2014
My Shopping Rights flash cards and posters in Arabic
Consumer Protection
29 May 2014


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