Motor industry


The average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) is set to increase by around 29 cents per litre (cpl) to 132.8 cpl tomorrow, so FuelWatch is encouraging Perth drivers, if they can, to fill up today to save money. FuelWatch advises that on Wednesday 23 September 2020, most branded retailers are hiking their ULP price: Caltex hiking by up to 43 cpl up to 145.9 cpl; Caltex Woolworths and Coles...
Consumer Protection
Media release
22 Sep 2020
The average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) is set to increase by over 27 cents per litre (cpl) to 131.8 cpl tomorrow, so FuelWatch is encouraging Perth drivers, if they can, to fill up today to save money. FuelWatch advises that on Wednesday 16 September 2020, most branded retailers are hiking their ULP price: Caltex Woolworths, BP and Coles Express hiking by between 40-41 cpl up to 143.9...
Consumer Protection
Media release
15 Sep 2020
The average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) is set to increase by 29 cents per litre (cpl) to 133.9 cpl tomorrow, so FuelWatch is encouraging Perth drivers, if they can, to fill up today to save money. FuelWatch advises that on Wednesday 2 September 2020, most branded retailers are hiking their ULP price: Caltex Woolworths and Coles Express hiking by 41-43 cpl up to 145.9 cpl; BP up to 144...
Consumer Protection
Media release
01 Sep 2020
A motor vehicle dealer who sold on consignment has been disqualified from holding a licence for eight years, starting from 19 November 2020, after being convicted of deceiving owners about the sale price and failing to comply with laws relating to consignment sales. The State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) endorsed the Commissioner for Consumer Protection’s view that Mr Zeljko Grujin , the former...
Consumer Protection
Media release
27 Aug 2020
The average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) is set to increase by around 30 cents per litre (cpl) to 134.5 cpl tomorrow, so FuelWatch is encouraging Perth drivers, if they can, to fill up today to save money. FuelWatch advises that on Wednesday 26 August 2020, most branded retailers are hiking their ULP price: Caltex and Coles Express hiking by 41-42 cpl up to 145.9 cpl; Caltex Woolworths...
Consumer Protection
Media release
25 Aug 2020
The average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) is set to increase by over 28 cents per litre (cpl) to 132.9 cpl tomorrow, so FuelWatch is encouraging Perth drivers, if they can, to fill up today to save money. FuelWatch advises that on Wednesday 19 August 2020, branded retailers are hiking their ULP price: Coles Express hiking by up to 41 cpl up to 145.9 cpl; Caltex and Caltex Woolworths up...
Consumer Protection
Media release
18 Aug 2020
There’s a lot to like about demonstrator vehicles – they’re practically new cars with very few kilometres that sell for cheaper prices than you’d otherwise pay for a genuine new motor. Another bonus is that clock only starts ticking on the time aspect of the manufacturer’s warranty (e.g. 5-years) on the date of purchase by a consumer and not while it’s in the dealership’s possession. Conversely,...
Consumer Protection
Media release
13 Aug 2020
The average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) is set to increase by over 28 cents per litre (cpl) to 132.6 cpl tomorrow, so FuelWatch is encouraging Perth drivers, if they can, to fill up today to save money. FuelWatch advises that on Wednesday 12 August 2020, most branded retailers are hiking their ULP price: Caltex Woolworths and Coles Express hiking by between 40 and 42 cpl up to 143.9...
Consumer Protection
Media release
11 Aug 2020
Consumer Protection has launched a period of community and industry consultation with the view of determining whether the regulation of tow truck businesses and those working in the tow truck industry in WA is required. This consultation is prompted by community concerns about the conduct of some tow truck operators and reports of unscrupulous tactics being used to gain business from consumers...
Consumer Protection
Media release
11 Aug 2020
A man who operated a business selling specialist motor vehicle parts as well as conducting driver training courses was fined $10,000 by the Armadale Magistrates Court on 31 July 2020 and ordered to pay compensation to his disappointed customers amounting to $16,003. Gordon German , trading as Green Oval Experience formerly operating in Canning Vale, was also ordered to pay costs of $225.90. Mr...
Consumer Protection
Media release
06 Aug 2020


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